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A member registered Dec 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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They do mention game boy resolution in the post, I suppose time will tell, thx for the review, im still a very new dev ☺️ 

Unfortunately im having issues with the colliders being far too picky, I've tried numerous solutions but for some reason it still gets stuck- sometimes moving diagonally helps, or slashing the sword, i will continue to try and troubleshoot!

Correct, there is no end game because it was a solo run and im not very good at coding, ideally there would be a high score feature after a set number of days, as well as AI opponents 

Really fun concept, certain items seem to never spawn - being able to edit and unlock new cards in a deck would be amazing

For those who might have trouble seeing the black text in dark mode, best of luck to all participants! 


¡Muchas Gracias! Tenemos una versión nueva y actualizada que saldrá en 10 días. ¡Tenemos muchos planes para el futuro! ❤️

Thank you so much! We worked super hard and wr are going to keep working on it after the jam c:

I love the idea and the art style, I agree with the others, its really hard to understand how the combo system works, it seems to follow its own set of rules and there's no clear instruction

I did, it was very chill, any plans on expanding ?

Thank you everyone for playing!

Wow! incredible polish and graphics! I really love the CRT effect on the screen, it makes it feel like an oldschool Nintendo game!

I love how this looks! Can't wait to play it when i get home!