I like this idea. Global variables. So when the document is in view mode it shows the value? In edit mode shows the real $variablename?
What about game export,I guess we render each var.
I think the idea of multiple .env files is also nice… Like a $(prod.server) or $(player.name) where prod and player are different .env files.
Maybe the misc collection can be upgraded to a metadata collection where we can have a customizable list of documents that can be directly accessed via this specific syntax. Like meta.env.xx or meta.menu.startgame etc etc… Or… Maybe this syntax is a shorthand for displaying any value of any document of any collection. Similar to the new picker feature , but it could target any prop.
$(items.sword-01.description) or $(actors.kenji.properties.height) or even $(script.script-1.modifiedDate)
This would give items/misc/quest a whole new value specially when used in god/scripts.
The main issue is finding a good typeable name as the name is not unique and the id is quite long. Maybe the doc alias should be user editable.
Great idea!