no he said *itch has been having issues sending people the keys to my game - mention it on the forum and if they don't reply or send you the key email me your reciept - i am still waiting after 6 hours
A member registered Mar 18, 2020
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using exactly the same assests/asset flipping... although not illegal EVERYONE hates it.... There are some *Direct copies* of specific games out there *rim world vs king under the mountain* for example... take a very close look and notice how exactly the same they are??? The only reason its legal (as far as i know) is because they have rivers in king under the mountain and they changed certain rules and triggers and etc... but on the surface it looks EXACTLY the same... and it is still be offered on steam and here... so *copying* to a certain extent MUST be legal ;) Community » » Questions & Support · Posted in Users reporting missing Steam keys when it shouldn't happen