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Basil H.

A member registered Aug 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the play through!

Have I failed to convey that the coins are how the game levels up? I’ll have to fix that then cause you get two of them before the boss and that was what I balanced around. Protect in it’s current state is a bit strong so I might lower it’s power but it is supposed to let you heal a bit. I might just lower the values. And it’s also supposed to be easy to beat, it’s a tutorial boss and it was meant to show how the powers you get from certain enemies can make other enemies much easier. It’s a slightly extreme example but still.

New version is up and running! Give it a go and see how it plays! Sorry for the difficult spike, it wasn’t intentional. Couple rampant 1’s an 0’s.

New version is up and running! Give it a go and see how it plays! Sorry for the difficult spike, it wasn’t intentional. Couple rampant 1’s an 0’s.

New version is up and running! Give it a go and see how it plays!

Currently working on a difficulty tweak for the game. Didn’t realize it was as hard as it is cause I think some of the numbers got spiked in exporting. Either way, working on it now, and it’ll be fixed super soon.

Thanks so much! I appreciate your playing my game.

Thanks so much! I appreciate that!

For starters, this game looks amazing, no doubt. The controls feel a little awkward at times but I got used to it by the end. Definitely worth the play.

Really? I think it feels kind of small but thank you.

Holy moly, this is an amazing play! I had a lot of fun with this one and its concept.

A very interesting game. I had some fun with it, even if it’s not the most pretty looking it doesn’t do enough to hinder my enjoyment of the gameplay.

To whoever actually donated some money to this game, I cannot thank you enough or properly state the amount of joy this gives me. Thank you so much!

It’s definitely the tool I know the most. I didn’t think I had the time to struggle through Godot so I winged it and used MZ.

Thank you! I’ve always wanted to make a horror game and this felt like a good time to try.

Hey there, I saw that you were no longer originally available but if you become so or just feel like potentially working on pixel art projects in the future, hit me up! My Discord is: !Basil 「Starmion」#2047

I was planning on something like a horror game since those are fun and popular but I’m struggling to integrate the loss is good theme into it.