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A member registered Oct 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your endless support :) i started working on the update this morning, fixing bugs and adding some QoL and sprites, but i will still have so little time for some weeks :( i'll be slowed down a lot

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Oh wow the idea is really cool and the game is surprisingly engaging. It helps that i'm a dog person and whenever there's a dog in a game is +1 for me :D the sprites and animations are awesome, if you've done them yourself really well done, the design of the enemies is amazing and the animations of both the dog and the character are amazing.  Only bug I had was sometime when i reset the level, the character  moved in sync with the dog even without barking, but it solved itself at the first bark and also it wasn't a major bug, so it's not a big deal for me. Really well done :D

The idea is great and the execution too, the effects are really nice. A bit too hard and fast paced for me haha, but i really like the idea, really well tought out!

Oh really nice!!! This is a hidden gem. The puzzles are hard but you feel like there are multiple solutions (even if that might not be the case). I absolutely love that every command has a different whistle for the dog, really nice touch. I managed to get to level 6 or 7 i guess? Not sure, but I had a ton of fun, really nice :D

Easily the most original idea i've seen so far. Amazing how you managed you make all the different scenarios, it makes you want to play to see all the ending lol :D

Really well done! I loved it!

The game looks really nice, too bad I couldn't get past the second level, I couldn't figure out what you're supposed to do since the charges consume quickly and you reach the same height even if you jump and couldn't get past the wall. Maybe i'm just too stupid lol :D

Nice idea nonetheless!

Oh wow this feel very polished, the comic style intro with the camera moving on the different drawings was amazing and really well done. The flow of the game is great and i easily found myself losing track of time passing. Really cool entry, i liked it a lot :D

Nice game! The sprites are really cute and the main mechanic is simple to understand but is used in different ways to keep it interesting. I got stuck at some point without being able to solve the level, but that's probably because i'm too stupid lol!

One suggestion i have is to try and make the character feel less heavy with the movement, a bit more snappy controls would be much better i think!

Good job :D

The concept is really simple, but then when you see it in action it gets engaging.  There are quite the amount of levels (11 i think?) for a jam and they're different enough to not feel repetitive. The only issue I had was with the sound while changing scene, the sound stuttered for a couple of seconds. But it might be a browser issue and the sound resume normally after that, so not a big deal.

Good job :D

Cute art :D loved it. I liked that it's just one big level, don't ask me why but i think it fits better than some other platformers (like mine) where you have transitions between scenes. Felt more like a journey! Just a couple of issues i found:

Sometime i got stuck in the ground or walls and it was a bit annoying, since you're using unity I think you can change the physics material of the bunnies to avoid that (unless it's intended, in that case ignore this comment).

Also the tilemap had a bit of tearing between tiles. To fix that you can pack the tileset sprites into a sprite atlas and it will most likely fix that.

Nothing that can't be fixed in a post jam update anyway, and the game is really enjoyable!

Surprisingly fun! The art and visual effects are very good. Also the music is really catchy, i like it. Would have liked a volume settings as it was a bit too loud, but it was good nonetheless. The only thing is i find it difficult to imagine some way to make more levels and keep it fun as the first, but that doesn't take away from the enjoyment of this entry :) good job

Very simple, but cool idea. The art is really cool, especially the character. I don't know if it's a bug or is intended to be this simple, but when i went with the robot outside with the VR set, i just picked up one thing and was able to fix everything in the base.

Good job :D

oops! hahaha didn't notice that at all XD another +1 i guess then!

ooh i see, i might come back to it later to try again then ;)

Really nice concept, the music is really chill and relaxing, loved it. The robot might move a bit faster as other have said, but the puzzles are nice and didn't expect this many levels. I encountered some bugs, especially on the first level that took me a while to fix and on level 6 my bot got stuck on the button while turning back after self destructing and i kept losing all my energy :( 

overall it's a fun game and i can see how you could go crazy with more levels and cards! Good job :D

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Ah I remember seeing your progress in the discord! It looked amazing when you posted your progress and it does look amazing now that i can play it. The music and the sprites are really good, the quality of the work is amazing. How did you manage to make so many levels in such short time? Impressive really. Also the take on the theme is genious, literally collaborating with A&I.

Probably the only thing that I would add, and mind you this is just nitpicking, is a settings menu for the audio. The music is really good, but a bit too loud. 

I won't be surprised if this ends up one of the winners, really good job.

edit: oh i also just noticed that it saves your progress! Nice! I can come back to this and finish one of the last levels (i think XD)! +1!

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Thanks for your honest feedback, it's always my favourite :D

Ok let's see.

  • You are 100% right on this, the buttons seem quite useless and just a gimmick for the robot, the original idea was to have many more options for the robot, not all in context. I tought of having a way to record actions and stuff like that. Obviously that was way overscoped for me since I wanted to make a short story too and i ended up not doing that, but since i didn't have much time left, i tought to leave the button and platform buttons in instead of reworking them from scratch. But if I keep working on this, I'll rework all of that from the ground up and either give the robot more interesting commands or changing how it works all together. (One idea is to unlock multiple robots to swap to when you rescue them, with different actions, but that's just an idea for now lol)

  • This is a REALLY nice idea, I didn't think of that at all. Not only it makes more sense, but it will solve some things that i dont like (like blocking you from going ahead if you don't reacall the robot back). I do use trigger colliders for the context actions yes, and i will probably do as you suggested and make the robot come back automatically when you get out of the "platform trigger area".  Thanks!

About the boss... it's super rushed haha. I ran out of time and since i always want to submit at least 6-7 hours before the deadline (in case something goes wrong) I had to pretty much rush the last part as to not submit an incomplete project. I tought better rushed than incomplete. But I do intend on working more on it to make it more interesting. Also the idea is to make multiple "Evil Robots" to beat (think of megaman and the various levels with different bosses) and rescue all of the other little robots. But yeah not much to say about that, i agree it's a bit boring haha.

Same for the floppy disk, at first the idea was to have them scattered around multiple levels and keep track of which one you had and use the computer as a "Hub\Checkpoint" where you could save your progress and watch the cutscenes you acquired. Wanted to make some floppy disks harder to get maybe, with more bits of story, sort of collectables. But again, the time ran out and instead i decided to just place them near the computer. Fun thing is, picking up the floppy disk isn't even required to start the cutscene on the computer, basically they're there because the first one gives you a little text telling you what it is. But if i end up working on this more, i want to place them around in hidden places and stuff like that.

Thanks for your honest feedback, i really appreciate it you have no idea how much :) I LOVE how in depth you went and your honsety! ^^

Cool concept, i got the bad ending lmao. I like how to solve a couple of puzzles you need to pay attention in both "worlds", also liked the "fix the bugs" minigame lol, reminded me of among us. The music is insane, overall a very trippy experience, i liked it haha

Damn some of the levels are brutal!!! haha loved it, had a ton of fun. The sprites are really nice and all the little details (like the security cameras) are lovely. As i said some levels are quite brutal and took me a good while to get through haha, i like hard games. Maybe a teensy-weensy too hard some levels, but after some tries you figure out what's the best way to get through. Really enjoyed it, good job :D

Actually nice concept, i'm sure you can go crazy with more levels with this starting idea, took  a bit to actually complete the game. Only suggestion i have is to add a coyote timer, sometime i've lost because i didn't jump precise enough XD

Nice meme at the end btw XD

Damn there are A LOT of levels haha, took me a while and still have to finish it. Impressive for a game jam not gonna lie. Maybe the player moves too quickly and too snappy, but nothing that can't be fixed. Overall it was a very nice experience and i mean to get back to it and finish it later :D 

Sadly the game softlocks when you or the dino die, making it a bit frustrating to restart every time, but the idea is nice. Took a couple of tries to understand how the dino was moving, but then it became a lot easier. Love the player character sprite!

Yay i did it! :D it's not really easy, but after a couple of tries you start to realize what's the best strategy. The game is really well polished and it's fun to play, when you lose you know you can do better and want to try again. Really well done!

The game feels really polished. The art style is great i really like it, both the style and the color choices. The snarky robot and his sentences are well written and sometime his card choice and sentence don't really match up, but it makes it even more funny lol (Like when he choose 'Do nothing' and said 'Take this!' XD)

I love this concept and with more cards it can get really fun and engaging real quick. Really enjoyed playing it :D

ps: the enemies sprites are really top quality, i like them a lot

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Thanks!!! Haha now that you mention the boss bug, i can see why it happens, thanks for reporting it i'll fix it right away! Thanks for your kind words :) it really makes me happy. 

Also yeah I'll add a way to skip the cutscene as one of the first thing after the jam, I can see how it can be a bit of a chore especially if the game bugs out and you  have to restart (as it appears to happen sometime)

The feeling and rythm of the game is amazing, the animation of the tiny robots with the music and the notes coming out of the radio and the ground tiles changing, it really gets you in "the zone" while playing, i really loved it. It's a bit too hard if you don't pay close attention, but it was really fun!

Thank you!!!

hahaha i laughed so much, this is brillant. Took an unexpected turn and it was so damn funny hahaha, i don't think i ever lol'd at a jam game like i did with this one, great job you got great sense of humor. 

ah right! maybe it's too long the coyote time, or i might just make the gap larger. Thanks for reporting it :D really appreciate it

:O can you explain how you did it? Did you just simply jump and got to the other side or did you do anything in particular to make it? I'm pretty sure i tested that jump multiple times and was never able to make it, but now i'm doubting myself! Thanks for reporting it anyway, i'm gonna look into it for a post jam update

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Ah great point, yes the buttons are based on context nearby cu-t3, so if he's too far from the button\platform spot, the context menu won't show the respective button. So it is very possible that you soft locked like that. I'll have to look into that and i'll probably rewrite how the commands menu works, since most of the interactions are hard coded due to me running out of time in the jam and having to do everything by myself. Thanks for your feedback and bug report, really appreciate it, i'm gonna look into it for a post jam update! :D

edit: oh also about the boss, yes it's very rushed haha, it's not very clear and even knowing where the sawblades appear, sometime is not easy to activate them at the right moment because you miscalculate their positions. So I might add some particles where the sawblade should appear, so at least you know where they are

The sounds are lovely and the overall aesthetics are great. A bit too short, but the concept is really nice and i can see how this can be expanded! 

damn how is this game so polished, really good job! Everything looks perfect together and the gameplay is actually fun. I love that different type of enemies spawn different undead minions.  Had some minor issues with the sounds, but nothing too big to be honest, the overall experience was really great.

This is very pleasant game to play. The idea is great and while I agree that sometime it's hard to see where to jump, you soon realize that you need to scout ahead with the robot before doin dangerous jumps, then it gets really engaging. Love that you made a story out of this. I have a couple of suggestions if you don't mind: I think the robot should follow the mouse if you hold down the right button instead of continuosly clicking, so you can more precisely maneuver the robot while handling the enemies. Also another suggestion is to make the player have more health instead of just one hit. Overall it's really enjoyable i liked it :D (also +1 for including multiple keyboard layouts)

Great visuals! I'm sure with more levels you can go crazy with the concept! Also the music is really nice.

I like the different take on the flappy bird kind of game! It's not that easy to keep track of everything and quickly plan what to move! I like it :)

It's based on the angular velocity of the die (higher velocity equals higher speed at which the die 'roll') but I agree that it might not be consistent at all, i could instead just roll it of a fixed amount if the die is in the air, i'll try that. The projected throw is something I want to add for sure next. The idea of changing the sprite of the die to better visualize when it will explode sounds like a great idea! Considering the white die won't explode anymore it won't be an issue for that, but the other die still explodes after a set amount of throws so it might be really useful for those. 

The switch is kinda clunky it's true, especially in the last level where the switch is on a moving platform. I tried different solutions but none worked as I wanted to, but i need to find a solution for sure because even i find it frustrating at times.

Again thanks for the in depth feedback, I appreciate it a lot :D

Thanks for the feedback :D Yeah the controls menu isn't yet implemented, forgot to hide the option before building. The die shouldn't be random, it should roll in sequence but i agree some throws force you to basically hope in rng (like with the red die). In the next update the white die (the regular die) won't explode anymore and can be thrown as many times as one wants, after 90% of the feedback being on that, I guess it was time to actually do something about it! I'm not sure if in this build you can catch the red die mid air or if I changed it in the next build, but that too should help with the "rng" when making some throws. Thanks for the feedback! I might make some changes based on your feedback (like maybe find a way to make the rolling more consistent and predictable)!

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Great game! Too bad I'm a bit too dumb for these games haha. I loved the visuals, especially the animations. They are simple but have a lot of style. Not my type of game but I can see why it is so popular, really well made!

Don't feel bad haha, it's just a bit brutal. Especially the last level is a bit unfair on some jumps, I'm gonna tweak it a bit (not too much, I like it being difficult!) after the jam!