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A member registered Jan 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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I clicked on it with a speed of light. 

Going to get myself peppermint tea, reread chapter 1-3 and dive into this one. Thank you very much, your works make me so happy and cozy 💚 💚 💚 

oh, wow. Such a great surprise ! 

I will go explore the dragon's lair

OMG! This is an awesome surprise  !

(2 edits)

Really? ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و    thank you very much for the update. I will go and check it rn. 

I recently finished the first book on steam, it was amazing. Book 2 is no less intriguing and captivating ♡♡♡

May I ask, what was the update about ?=)

Oh, thank you very much ! I really appreciate it and can't for the full release for both Glam Pursuit and Cursed Covenant  ❤

(5 edits)

Thank you very much for this game !

 I absolutely loved it.

Just wondering ->I have slight vision problems, so I was reading the cursive narrative with my glasses on but still, it was a little uncomfortable, so I was wondering if you are planning on including the option for a more standardized font or possibly more font size choices ? Thank you

Thank you for your hardwork and dedication! 

I see myself replaying and enjoying this more than once ♡

The best dollar I've spent in my entire life

Your works are always out of this world and every time you write something I am so happy and excited to read it. Thank you very much, you made my evening after a long and gloomy day ❤

maybe try using different browsers:  Firefox, Opera, Yandex, Mozilla, Edge and etc. It helped me when I tried to download it. But I don't remember which one did the trick =(

(1 edit)

I played the full version. It did take a very long time to download tho. I also used different browsers to see from which it downloads the best (I think Firefox or Opera did the best for me, but I can't remember for sure). Hope it helps

oh! New content ! Thank you-thank you =) 

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oh, isthat so? I see. I have never played this story on Choices, but you did such an awesome job here that I thought it is the original content XD

Thank you for the reply. I will check the OG after I finish this story

just started reading, I love it so far. Quick question: I can see only season 2 of It Lives Within, is there anywhere I can play season 1? (it appears to have different characters than current)? thanks

oh, yeah. I felt very excited for a second, too. No new content though. But I am not less excited

I have never seen any similar text-based novel written with such care, precision to details and love of characters. 

It was so vivid I had a feeling being present and yet it left some space for imagination and my own feelings shaping my experience just the way I felt about the story.

I can't wait to see where the story leads and hope to read more works from you.

♡ ♡ ♡Thank you very much ♡ ♡ ♡

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I just played 4 h worth of content and .... I saved it...but from zip file. *cry cry cry* I wish I knew, Damn my impatience *cry*  Going to do it proper way now ... thanks 

(3 edits)

I can not believe I had this novel in my "check later list" for so long. 

I mean - Gees, how stupid I am. 

This is seriously the best I read in a long time! I mean

Sure the beginning seemed a little slow-paced, but as soon as I got to the scene in a great hall after the big-big event, I was memorized with a great writing style. I felt for Sarah, and I can not imagine I would think and nod in appreciation at so many dialogue resolutions. 

I was coming for the smut, but I stayed for the great worldbuilding, realistic flow of events, dialogues, respect slowly shifting to admiration for MC and a cheery on top in form of some explicit content =) 

 PS i don't know if it's just me, but i have a few suggestions to bring people to read this amazing creation: 1. maybe add more scenes on screenshot area. when i found this VN, lack of screenshots there made me wary of the content, 2. maybe add features such as "the story, features (bullet points saying about the setting, who is MC, what the world is about and etc.), romances and support me contact info" will be easier to understand what to expect from the VN. Game is amazing as it is, and I am sorry if you find my suggestions useless. I just wanted to mention it in case it will be helpful from the perspective of a reader who is mad about VNs and text-based novels.

Thank you very much, I had a great 3 evenings with this game, it made me happier!

it is a kinetic VN and it's very short. 

I did not really expect it nor I saw it written anywhere before I bought it. I still had a good time with it tho. I liked the characters, art is especially amazing + music was good. 

All in all, it was nice to play. But I would prefer to have known that it was not choice-based =)

(2 edits)

almost all of the cyberpunk and almost all of not romance focused games incorporate a complex world building and the concept of introduction of a specific technical terms, planet names, dimensions and etc. is common (at least of what I have seen and played on itch and steam). It is a quite some amount of info to go through at the beginning, but these details are what makes story more alive, readers more invested. soo...I cannot agree with you on that part

Maybe try to get into the mood for the story (it is not a dating sim where things happening around MC and love interest and focused on their relationships 70% of the time), and try to play with a game, make this choice and that, and just to experiment =)

I will be  waiting impatiently ( ͡❛ ω ͡❛)

I liked the writing style and the UI experience I had with a game! I am intrigued by the plot lines as well. I can see the game's concept and I really-really appreciate both plot, choices and characters I met so far ! 

This type of game is so rare to be seen here on (at least I have not ). By that I mean featuring furry + MC gender choice + UI/UX + all other elements.

Thank you for your hard work, I will be waiting for the updates 

Sending hearts and inspirations ♡

This was not what I was expecting at all XD 

I liked it. 

I know how quizzes are made (i made couple myself), sometimes multiple controversial and rephrased questions will be asked to see if someone is consistent with their answers, in here, I suppose the result was generated from  1-2 crucial answers of the reader, but i am totally okay with it.

I feel this whole thing supposed to be more like a love-story with some personalized features.

The love story here  is the one every human had at one point of their life. and if someone has not, I think sooner or later they will. The softest and dull aching feeling I ever had with my last ex. took us some time to move on and go our separate ways.

I see myself playing this game more than once 

I liked it a lot and I would recommend whoever wants to play it to give it a chance.

It was lots of fun ! 
I wish I found this game this Valentine's Day - not to cheer me up per se but to just dive into this well-made game.

Enough cheesy, enough naughty, and just hell lots of enough for a short novel. 

I would love to see something of this sort more. ♥ Thank you ! 

PS made me laugh and blush much easier than I thought it would

One of the best VN I played so far ! Honest
Adore it =3
Played Season 1 and Season 2 multiple times. I am not gonna stop
♥  Thank you ♥ 

the best purchase I ever made for 5 dollars !
Love it. Replayed it 3 times hehe

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I loved Demo! ♡ Spectacular !

Your storytelling style fits the plot very nicely and I found myself consumed by what I was reading!

I was so surprised to see how the stories are different depending on what route I picked. I can't imagine how much hard work was put into the development of each route because they are equally detailed and thrilling. 

I did see a couple of syntax mistakes, but it did not matter to me enough to make me stop enjoying this Universe you created. 

I would love to see how stories will unfold themselves. So excited !

Thank you for bringing this to the world and sharing it with us! 

God knows how many stories died because creating one is  such a tedious and time-consuming process .

Thank you. Stay safe and healthy ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

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I bought this game some time ago but only had a chance to play it recently. This is cyberpunk VN with a bit of romance in it (30%).

Even tho I bought this game cause I played Oathbreaker (absolutely loved it btw) and decided to check other works from LarkyLabs. 

I did not regret it a bit.

The world is full, amazing, engaging. 

I love how all MCs are independent, confident, and quick-witted females. The game allowed me to travel to a different universe, flirt, be angry, happy, and decide my future with comrades, enemies, and family. 

I can say this is the game I will replay again, and I will enjoy it almost the same way when I played it the first time. 

Thank you! 

have you tried to download the game using  Firefox browser? It worked for me

I was very skeptical at the beginning, and played merely to test my interest for accidently found erotic games on . 

I did not regret a single bit and finished it in a day=) Couldn't stop wondering where the story leads next!

Interesting storytelling, the idea and concept of whole game is easy, but not simplistic to understand and it makes it even more interesting to play to see what comes next=)

I will wait impassionedly for updates and will support you on Patreon! Thank you, it was awesome!

Sad to hear. But, thank you for reply 

I am either blind or there is no demo available to check out game before buying? 

I will appreciate link, cause i don't seem to find it anywhere

First of all, story is full and finished. It's not like it ends in the middle of action or something. Conclusion does not feel 100% full, there is a tiny hint on "season 2", but it's logical and good. It leaves space for your imagination to say "yes, i bet this will happen and etc" WITHOUT feeling of uncomfortable incompleteness .

Art is nice and dialogues are neat. 

I finished this novel easily and it left me in high spirits.

When I say "easy", and possible others say "sweet", it's not 13 years old kind of stuff. It's  dark in places, pink in places , nicely balanced, decent novel. There are couple of thing that could've been done better like more diverse choices or a little smoother shifts here and there, BUT it does not really affect quality time you spend on it. Completely worth it!

I DID NOT regret a second purchasing it and playing.

As a person who played a lot of interactive novels, I do recommend it=) 

and I hope to dive in more amazing worlds, incredible characters and breathtaking stories, created by sonnet009games.  Thank you. 

It was nice =) Some beautiful art + good writing that made me briefly shift my mind and soul to this story. 

I did not expect 4min play make me visit such an amazing world.

Thank you for making it.

I would love to read something of this sort again from you!