I had made 2 games recently for other jams which fell in the timeline of this jam so it isnt early work, and they meet all the other criteria too can I submit em to this jam???
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hi Im Ahsan Im a game developer I usually use unity and Im not much into crypto, NFT, Onchain things and wanted to ask some questions:
is it neccessary to implement $BARIO tokens to be eligible for prize?
is there a theme?
how can we incorporate $BARIO tokens into unity is there a SDK
how does $BARIO thing works? is it like in app purchases but with crypto currency?
"After submissions close, the jam will be made public and voting / rating will start. (During this time), a panel of judges will also rate the submissions."
it says that the judges will vote during the voting period so havent they voted yet? or it will be like something compeletely different from what devs have rated other games (itch's result) and the winners will be decided by just judges?