Boar AI breaks when they can't navigate to you, either becoming stuck in place or stuck perpetually moving in one direction.
Recent community posts
Start down and alternate every time you hear a click higher pitch compared to the others, if you pass one DO NOT SCROLL THE OTHER DIRECTION, keep going until you get it again. If you messed up, just keep alternating until you hear the fail sound and start from the beginning. It might take a bit to get used to the safe and I myself couldn't figure it out for the life of me at first even with guidance so just go for it
Food tolerance hasn't really balanced anything for me outside of MREs, I have never experienced kel refusing to eat another food item from food tolerance even with my diets for several days consisting of mainly just 1 food item, maybe eating something else minor if it's available. Even intentionally eating as much of one food item as I can to try and experience it had no results.