Honestly, if you have that little storage and can't really increase it in any way, you unfortunately might just want to sit this one out until you have more space.
Recent community posts
Have you entered the main room at all after this happens? There is a constant meta paranoia causing event on day 5 that won't stop until you do so.
If you are in 0.8.2, you can also type "debug events" into the console to check for all currently active entities/events to see what could be causing it so that you can report it, followed by "debug scrape" to try to get rid of them. This is meant to exclusively as a last resort for when something bugs out and there truly isn't any way to get rid of the meta paranoia. Stuff can break if you scrape events.
Saves and stuff are stored in a different folder than the one you download, so you just download new versions like you first downloaded the game.
Do note that you may want to reset events and objects in your save to prevent issues between versions. Do be warned, this is pretty much resetting your save back to zero but you keep your upgrades and points.
These are intentional, they work kind of as a "punishment" for playing for several hours straight non-stop.
The first one you mentioned is a rare random chance after playing one session for a long time, the second one appears after 6 hours but isn't directly "hostile", it will follow you around but will try to stay a short distance from you at all times so it won't touch you, it only crashes you if you touch it anyway.
The "Fatal error" crash message, if the instance of it is intentional, is typically accompanied by something else happening before it so it is quite obvious. It also slightly behaves differently than the normal fatal errors from what I have seen, the actual fatal error crashes don't seem to freeze the game after they happen.