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A member registered Oct 31, 2023 · View creator page →

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reached 31 points


Thanks for the feedback. We are glad that you enjoyed the game and that you actualy got to the end.

Nice game. But to be honest, it feels not finished. The time travel mechanic didnt seem to do anything and it was just carry picking up object A to use on object B. But I liked the story concept and it was a neat game. 

Cool setting for a paper please style game and I like the visuals and the sounds. All the aliens felt alien and fun. I guess my main problem would be that the system felt quite confusing for me. 

I like the twist idea on the pexeso formula. But to be honest felt quite a chore to go through and a lot of it felt like I was clicking at random and hoping for the best(might be a skill issue). Cool game anyway.

Cute game. The resulution in the webgl brings it down and the combat feels akward. Also I wasnt sure sometime if I found a secret or I am just lost in the map. Cool game anyway, love the little robot. 

Thanks for the feedback. Glad you enjoyed it.

Cool game. Loved the visuals and the music it worked really well with the story. My only problem would be that I had to restart the game few times, because of getting stuck. Really nice game anyway.

Yeah the map designer got bit over excited, this actualy a toned down version. But you are absolutely right and I believe even adding some simple upgrades would make the current map work better. Thanks for the feedback.

I love the sound design and the whole impact the guns have makes them satisfying.

The puzzles are fun and the time travel mechanic seems realy well implemented. My main problem would be with the enemies, they are more anoying than anything. But the game as a whole package is quite cool, especialy considering it is a 1 dev game.

Fun little platformer. My main problem would be that the visuals to me dont mesh well with the idea of dehydratation. By that I mean I dont associate trippy rectangles with dehydratation. But the visuals overall are pretty nice especialy for a 1 person team.  

To be honest I didnt expect from the images that it would turn out as such a fun game. I realy liked it. My only problem would be that adjusting stats for the humans felt pointless after few runs, since the main reason I did it is to take advantage of the +1 point I got after failure, so it felt a bit annoying. Other than that I realy liked it it reminded me of Reigns. 

Amazing visuals, and I like the looping around story.

It is a fun idea and I had my fun being chased around in the labyrint. My main problem would be that the combat seemed unfair, maybe I didnt get the hang of it, but sometimes the enemies even buged into me. But being chased by them and running around worked really well. 

We tried our best to make it intuitive, yet I would agree it is still confusing at the start. Thanks for the feedback.

glad you liked it

Realy cute, my problems would be that my pc could not handle it and that I am not sure what winter did and a shadow of a rock didnt save me from the sun, I know the game said trees, but it seemed logical to me at the moment. Anyway, realy nice and cute game. 

I loved the animations of the main character losing his mind.

Really fun gameplay

The game shines with a polished feel. I really enjoyed the simple yet interesting visuals and the unique gameplay. My main gripe, though, is that the game feels too easy for my galaxy brain. I played four times and ended in rounds 1, 1, 2, and 3. I decided to stop after that to keep my streak free of failures. The main issue is that the game either relies too much on luck or is simply too easy. That said, I’d rather it be easy than frustrating. I love the game otherwise.

It is fun to completly destroy the rabbits by pumping all the points into one super animal, but it gets too easy. The game needed some kind of counter balacing mechanic, that would either force you to use all the animals, or mix up the stats. At the moment the game is just too easy. Other than that, its quite a fun idea, it is fun to play and I love the artstyle and the opening cinematic.

Really nice looking polished experience. My main gripe would be that the 3 minigames get repetetive after few times and the boost cards seem to match certain minigames, for example I dont think slowing down enemies does anything to the matching puzzle minigame, then they feel kinda non consequencal when you get 2 slowdown enemies cards and the only minigame is the matching puzzle. Other than that its nice to play and even without reading all of the tutorial you can quickly understand whats the goal of each part.

Really nice visuals and simple yet interesting gameplay. My main gripe is that, on hard difficulty, the map was gigantic with only a few fires that didn’t spread very fast. As a result, I spent 90% of my time running around the huge map just to find the animals and barely used the fire extinguisher more than once. Cool game overall.

Saved 17/20 on Hard

It’s hilarious. The only problem I had was that I found the starting platformer quite hard. But all in all, it changed everything for me.

The key opens a door in a different part of the level, we forgot to make a visual indicator of that though.

Thanks for the feedback.

The key openned a door in the level, though we forgot to make a visual indicator of that happening, also the spawner were supposed to be destroyable, but we ran out of time.

Thanks for the feedback, we hope it didn't sour the experience completely.

Every tried to make every object an interaction object and hoped the "?" button would help recognize the purpose of them. Yet I agree that our effort was not entirely successful. Thanks for the feedback.

The book should be used when you found out the correct historical figure, so you can prove the customer is lying. The problem is that it seems the program always shows the artifact being from Egypt when in fact it could be from 2 other places, making it practicly impossible to find the correct historical figure. It's a game breaking bug that we missed. 

Thanks for the feedback, we hope it didn't sour the experience completely.