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A member registered Mar 09, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thanks, I'm already working on the update!

It's a shame you didn't like the very first version of my game. I hope the next versions will change your mind!

Maybe I'll do some new content for Night Adventure after Lucky Kiss if you guys are really interested

But I'm really glad you liked it so much :3

I am actively working on it, it is difficult for me to give a specific time frame, but I think it will be about three months!




I will actively work on not only the gameplay, but also the translation, including English, thanks for the note!

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Thank you:3

Oh, thanks, you must be lucky, heh:3

I'm planning on rethinking the mini-games in the mines and forest, and introducing something more interesting, and maybe a little scarier!

oh, i'm already actively working on many things, and i will definitely try to take into account everything you said!
thanks for the support and such a review:3

Got it! I'll update it and it will have windowed mode!

I'm not very good at English either, and many other languages that are in the game😅

But thank you very much, I've already started working actively on new content, I hope you like it:3

我把所有的空闲时间都花在Lucky Kiss上,谢谢!肯定会有更多的玩法  :3

Wow.. I will definitely make it better so that it will be more enjoyable to play! Thanks, and you will definitely see more of the game❤️

What is your screen resolution?

Unfortunately Night Adventure is not optimized for mobile, but now I am planning to optimize Lucky Kiss for Android with a new update, which is also currently only available for PC!


OOOOUUUUU:3 You just can't imagine how nice it is to read this, thank you❤️❤️

Believe me, your words are exactly what I needed right now, since recently on other resources I have encountered, although fair, but very unpleasant criticism..)

I used to make simple video animations, but I had no experience with implementing them into the game!

But with your words you have already made my day so pleasant and added +1000000 to motivation, thank you for that❤️

I will definitely intensify testing to identify the cause, thank you!

Thank you, I'm already actively working on the update:3 I hope not to disappoint!

Hey, thanks for the review:3 It really helps me figure out what to pay attention to!

Yes, I plan to completely remake the mine scene. I think this mini-game turned out to be unsuccessful, so I will introduce something else!

As for the gambling game itself, I think I should increase the coefficients even more to encourage the player a little more when he wins. Right now the rules are closer to real ones, and many people did not like it😅

And please tell me about the "manual" part. The sound there should appear only when you click on Lura yourself, and move her at a pace that is convenient for you. The higher the speed, the more sounds. They do not appear for you?

Думаю, что не все, но в конечном итоге я планирую ввести как минимум двух(одна будет работать в комнате Lucky Kiss, другая скорее всего будет работать в городе)


О, чрезвычайно полезно! Спасибо за то, что заморочился!

После твоей первой публикации я сделал универсальную сборку в фикс версии и для Intel, и для Apple silicon, но это тоже не помогло. 
Видимо, мне нужно будет самому использовать Mac, чтобы понять ,что я делаю не так, и спасибо за наводку с Wine!

Я еще раз извиняюсь за то, что не владею этими знаниями на счет Mac.
Уже углубляюсь по этому вопросу! 
Пока что я нашел лишь потенциальную возможность - запустить игру через терминал:

Чтобы открыть приложение, используйте команду open:
% open -a Lucky Kiss

Если это поможет, то было бы славно!

Honestly, I don't own MAC platform, so it's hard for me to help in this situation. So I made another build for you, which includes several architectures. Please try to download and use the new file on Mac with FIX signature!
If the problem is in unpacking, then I will send you a file archived using another archiver. Just let me know!
Честно, я бомж  не владею платформой МАК, так что мне сложно помочь в этой ситуации. Так что я сделал специальный билд для тебя, который включает несколько архитектур. Пожалуйста, попробуй скачать и использовать новый файл на мак с подписью FIX!
Если проблема в распаковке, то я скину тебе файл, заархивированный с помощью другого архиватора. Только дай знать!


Скажи пожалуйста, а в какую версию ты играл? Сегодня я обновил файлы, и этой ошибки, когда камни не сразу берутся, уже быть не должно. Или же это дело привычки..) 
А на счет драгоценных камешков - они очень маленькие, и легко узнаваемые. На них просто нужно жамкнуть или ударить, и они сразу исчезнут, а сверху появится уведомление о том, что ты нашел редкий камень. У тебя так было?

Пхахаа)) При открытии второй комнаты даже я буду чувствовать себя лудоманом, так что всё еще впереди)

Ohhhhh thanks❤️❤️

There will definitely be updates, Lucky Kiss is just starting to develop!

Glad you liked it❤️❤️

I made a new Lucky Kiss game on an older version of the Unity engine. I hope it will work! Although old PCs don't work very well with high resolutions

Yey, thanks for the rating and for the review:3

I really like your suggestions, and I will introduce some of them into Lucky Kiss (a new game I am making)! I hope you will appreciate it too!


Jag förbjuder dig att dö tills jag släpper 100 spel!

Jag hoppas att den här tiden är tillräckligt för att du ska börja gilla livet åtminstone lite)

Och förresten, om du vill, skriv till mig i ett personligt meddelande, hur har du det där, hur mår du?

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To unlock toys, you need to:

1) open them in the menu, having collected the required number of love points

2) Prepare Lisa, namely: remove her blanket and clothes (for beads and plugs. The vibrator can be used through clothes)

3) Lift her legs(you can see this in the instructions, click on the question mark in the scene)

4) click on the desired zone of the Lisa with a certain toy.

For example, the vibrator only works between her legs, and it is not difficult to guess where the anal beads and plug will work:)

But if you do all this, but the toys specifically do not work, then let me know, and we will try to figure it out!


Lucky Kiss is on a different engine version, so I hope it will run for you too.

I have a very old laptop myself, but it has Windows 10, and I do my optimization tests on it. Everything runs on it. So I hope it will run for you too, but if you have any problems, don't hesitate to contact me, I will definitely try to help!

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can you tell me what version of windows (or other system) you have?

I suspect that it is windows 7 x86?

I looked into this issue in more detail, and it can occur on older versions of Windows.

I tried compiling the game without compression at all, the build is available for you.

If this does not solve the problem, and you still want to fix it, then please write here or on Twitter with details!