Hi! I can't go back yet to remake it for mobile(
But I plan to make the next games for phone too!
Now due to financial problems I am focused on another mini game, which will also be available to you, but this does not mean that I have abandoned Lucky Kiss. Work on it continues, but so far slowly. Already this month I will be completely free, and will continue to actively work on Lucky Kiss, and you can find out about updates in the news, which I will post in telegram / patreon / boosty
I hope for your understanding, and I'm sorry that this is taking so long👉👈
the game is based on simple randomness, and I can't predict how the dice will fall. because they have different vectors, speed and position on all axes each time, so the game is based on luck. you can get at least a few big coincidences, or be unlucky.
but I also want to note that this is only the first test version, and in others I will try to make mechanics that will allow you to change the outcome of the throw a little:)
OOOOUUUUU:3 You just can't imagine how nice it is to read this, thank you❤️❤️
Believe me, your words are exactly what I needed right now, since recently on other resources I have encountered, although fair, but very unpleasant criticism..)
I used to make simple video animations, but I had no experience with implementing them into the game!
But with your words you have already made my day so pleasant and added +1000000 to motivation, thank you for that❤️
Hey, thanks for the review:3 It really helps me figure out what to pay attention to!
Yes, I plan to completely remake the mine scene. I think this mini-game turned out to be unsuccessful, so I will introduce something else!
As for the gambling game itself, I think I should increase the coefficients even more to encourage the player a little more when he wins. Right now the rules are closer to real ones, and many people did not like it😅
And please tell me about the "manual" part. The sound there should appear only when you click on Lura yourself, and move her at a pace that is convenient for you. The higher the speed, the more sounds. They do not appear for you?
Я еще раз извиняюсь за то, что не владею этими знаниями на счет Mac.
Уже углубляюсь по этому вопросу!
Пока что я нашел лишь потенциальную возможность - запустить игру через терминал:
Чтобы открыть приложение, используйте команду open:
% open -a Lucky Kiss mac_FIX_0_02.app
Если это поможет, то было бы славно!
Honestly, I don't own MAC platform, so it's hard for me to help in this situation. So I made another build for you, which includes several architectures. Please try to download and use the new file on Mac with FIX signature!
If the problem is in unpacking, then I will send you a file archived using another archiver. Just let me know!
Честно, я бомж не владею платформой МАК, так что мне сложно помочь в этой ситуации. Так что я сделал специальный билд для тебя, который включает несколько архитектур. Пожалуйста, попробуй скачать и использовать новый файл на мак с подписью FIX!
Если проблема в распаковке, то я скину тебе файл, заархивированный с помощью другого архиватора. Только дай знать!
Скажи пожалуйста, а в какую версию ты играл? Сегодня я обновил файлы, и этой ошибки, когда камни не сразу берутся, уже быть не должно. Или же это дело привычки..)
А на счет драгоценных камешков - они очень маленькие, и легко узнаваемые. На них просто нужно жамкнуть или ударить, и они сразу исчезнут, а сверху появится уведомление о том, что ты нашел редкий камень. У тебя так было?