We’ve written a postmortem detailing the development and journey behind the scenes of the game! It’s a lengthy read, but is likely to be an intriguing read for other folks who participated in the jam, given the quantity of fellow nerds in this crowd!
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As a demo, this is pretty exciting stuff! The art here is simply gorgeous, and the narrative is fairly compelling despite how short the runtime is. All of the text and dialogue serve clear purpose, and characters are introduced in fairly natural ways.
Spoiler for ingame content
The puzzle is definitely a feelie; it's hard to see what the connection is between the first panel (which seems to function primarily as a hint), and the other panels. Thankfully, the wires getting replaced with a hand-drawn texture when you get the panel right stops the puzzle from being a test of patience, and the solution for the remaining panel becomes fairly easy to logically deduce.Also, the moment that happens after that? Completely nailed the “Oh shit did I fuck up can I fix this oh god” feeling. Top-notch!
We can easily see this getting fleshed out into a full game, and what’s here has us craving more!
The rendering here is extremely unoptimized. On a GTX 1060, frame times are consistently well over 50ms, which makes the game unplayable. Performance is better on an RTX 2080, getting around 18ms gpu frame times on average when running native (far more playable!), but GPU usage is still pegged at a constant 100%. Both GPUs were rendering to 1080p displays. We had to bust out Renderdoc to double-check that the game isn't a crypto miner, as the performance issues were pretty alarming.
The performance issues seem to stem from the sheer amount of full-screen gaussian blur (this is a fairly expensive operation!) being done every frame. Quite a few render passes seem to have their results go completely unused within the final presented frame.
Optimization issues aside, this is a pretty solid rhythm game! The vocals and backgrounds are fairly repetitive, but the underlying songs have decent variety. The presentation makes sightreading fairly intuitive, though the hard charts aren't particularly challenging.
This one's definitely a standout! There's a surprising amount of depth in the actual gameplay, and it does a pretty good job at representing the main kink at play.
The dialogue is a treat, especially with how it responds to the cards being played. It does an amazing (and unexpectedly grounded!) job at portraying the sheer sexual tension between Yuni and Erx.
I also genuinely love that it lets the psychic mind control kink take the forefront for the extent of its horniness, instead of relying purely on straight-up sex to be horny.