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A member registered Sep 28, 2019 · View creator page →

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I really loved the combat of this game, really gave me Starfox vibes. I felt the movement of the ship felt very clean and smooth which really helped with feeling like the ship was actually flying through the air. 

Sometimes it felt as though my attacks didn't go through on some of the floating objects, I don't know whether it was a hit box issue or if the particle effect of the projectile was slightly smaller than the effect. 

I felt like you had good background and ship design, it didn't feel too over the top and everything felt like it belonged in the right place.

All in all a good game!

This was an extremely well made game! I really liked the music in conjunction with the sound effects, really gave me that retro-arcade feel. I found the combat mechanics simple and intuitive to use which is always great with this style of game. 

One thing I will say, is sometimes I felt the enemies projectiles felt a bit forgiving. Sometimes they would fly past me and seem like they are clipping my ship but I wouldn't take any damage, other than this minor thing though it was a polished well put together game.

Great job guys! :)

Really great job! Seriously, against the odds you churned out a pretty good game that's functional! Again like others have said, it's a shame about your teammates because this game seems like it had a lot of potential!

I loved the art style of this game!!!! It gave me some really nostalgic Limbo vibes which was really nice to see. This game was really polished and fun to play, I ended up playing it for a good while! 

I'd say the only issue I had with it, is sometimes the collision detection wouldn't work all the time, for example sometimes it would let me double jump and also sometimes the enemies hitboxes would hit me when it seemed I completely cleared them. 

Other than those minor issues, really good job!

I really liked the suspenseful atmosphere that this game gives, even though that you aren't in a high quality 3D game, I still felt a bit spooked at times during this game. The combination of the short field of view, being accompanied by the flashlight and spooky music really combined into a good game! 

I felt as though some minor things could have been improved upon, like your stamina bar still being empty when you respawn if you sprinted before dying. But other than some very minor things, it was great!!

This was an extremely well produced game! 

Everything from the animations to mechanics like the grappling hook (Which I am honestly in awe of how you got that working) With a bit more refining I could genuinely see myself paying money to play this on my phone.

Fantastic work guys!

Really good game!

I liked the sound design, simplistic visuals and also the double jump mechanic felt fair but not too overpowered. 

I feel as though some of the AI of the enemies could have been improved on? I had moments where they would randomly start floating off their platform.

Other than that, includes communism, I like. 

Good job!

Even though it was extremely frustrating, it was really well made!

I feel as though level -1 is a little unforgiving (Even though I know that's the whole point of the game)

However it was really well made, the music didn't start sending me insane after 5-10 minutes which is good.

Good job!

All in all, I really enjoyed this game!! 

One bug I found while I was playing though was that when I went underneath one of the platforms, I lost the ability to jump once I reached the otherside?

Whether this was a collision thing or whatever I'm not sure, but it didn't take away from the game being addictive!!

I kept playing until I eventually rescued Odie, you guys should be really happy with this!

This honestly shows that with a bit of refining a simple concept can be executed extremely well! The simplistic visuals were quite satisfying to watch while playing, I did feel at points the speed of the level went a bit fast for my liking however other than that a great game!

I really liked the art style and atmosphere this game gave, gave me sort of Klei-style horror elements like from Don't starve. All in all the gameplay was pretty enjoyable, a little tactile at points however for your first attempt I think it's excellent! 

Good job!

This is honestly really impressive, everything from the gameplay, to the visuals and added humour elements within the game are all top notch.  Really unique idea too, haven't seen a game with a similar style / concept out there at all. My favourite part of all though was definitely the variety of boxes and the crazy last level. Great job Nemo!

Honestly this game idea is really unique! Haven't seen anything quite like it in the past, it's fun and has good replay-ability with wanting to beat your last score. The visuals are also a really nice touch, I feel as though you chose the right colours to be attention grabbing, but not too flashy.

Great job!

Really simplistic and fun game,  the  amount of variety from the comments and how they vary really did it for me. 

Great Job!