over all it was really good, although personally I'd like to see some anal vore everything that was there was done well and I look forward to the final release and hopefully the inclusion of more kinks.
Recent community posts
this is off topic but I got the dragon cock ring on my first playthrough but I'm on my second play through and I've been farming and cant seem to get it so far, so I was wondering if I somehow bugged it and got it last time or if I'm just getting unlucky. ( I was just getting super unlucky It took 15 kills for it to finally drop)
ill try to keep this spoiler minimal as I can. There are a few sequence breaks once you get into the caves right before you meet the two dark elf's, you can go back up to a higher level and skip a fight by going through the open ceil which used to be closed but once you go to rest at the mc's home everything will fix its self.
If you get the cursed book before speaking to the two elf's and then do there sequence and leave the cave it will skip and you will be able to bring S'rami into towns with you, if you go down to meet her cousin she will also be in the sequence with one of the two elf's you meet earlier and after you complete that she will join you into the clothes shop but you will be soft locked because you cant give here the clothes because she never leaves your party
also if you use the harpy wing after getting the book the game wont play the dialogue to set the other events in motion so you will need to enter and exit the cave to fix it
So I just started the game and I like to explore around and wanted to document a few of the bugs I've found so far which have been low and from the very brief look through a few other topics there might be more and there Isn't a dedicated topic for them so I figured id make one and update it with any bugs.
So far I've found 2 or at least one, I'm not sure if its a bug or a feature I'm just not understanding but if you go to the blazing town inn and speak to the teller then tell her no the screen will fade black as if resting and you will lose 300 gold if you speak to her again and try to tell her no she will send you away and say you don't have enough money.
Second is the bunny girl glitch which has been mentioned before but if you speak to her over the desk instead of standing in front of her the game which would usually drag you with it, brakes because its trying to path your character though a solid object and because its a cut scene the player has no control over the character and cant course correct and gets locked in place and forced to reload the game.
this isn't meant to antagonize or trying and force the dev to do anything, this just to be a list or something for other who have had similar findings to share and talk about.
so at least for the bunny girl in specific if you speak to her over the desk instead of standing in front of her the game which would usually drag you with it, brakes because its trying to path your character though a solid object and because its a cut scene the player has no control over the character and cant course correct and gets locked in place and forced to reload the game
ok so I'm not sure if my game is bugged or I'm just completely missing the specific message to get the cryptic note. Do I need to talk to lin when she's in her bedroom with her suit cases or somewhere else that I'm just completely missing it and dose Lisa's corruption level matter for finding the note because I managed to get to level 2 without finding it and even when I go back down to level 1 I still can't find it so if you can let me know id appreciate it
otherwise I've enjoyed the game so far, I think all the characters are interesting and well done. The story lines at least the ones ive done so far I've enjoyed em all. In terms of character models id personally like some bigger butts but that's minor, right now my only my complaint is that the guide can be a little confusing sometimes
update I've pretty much 100% it so far I missed 6 thing in the gallery 3 with auroura, 1 with sarah, 1 with naomi and 1 with emily and it probly took me about 8-9 hrs just for referance but I didn't see the tips for progressing with the girls till about 6 hrs in lol. Overall I thought it was good and the story is interesting but can drag a little bit but that could just be me. Anyways I look forward to future updates and keep up the good work.
well I've got a few suggestions
Your prob already planning on adding this but just in case I would suggest a lot more scenes with all the girls.
In terms of gameplay mechanics, I think a dart trap would make a good addition and maybe they have an option to laced with something from one of the girls.
An oil trap might also work, it could easily be paired with the fire trap which the hero will take more dmg or could give a boost to the tentacle trap making it so the hero will stay in it longer
maybe have a minion roaming the halls like a slime that could tie into another trap like the tentacle one, the slime could be similar to gas where it stays on you and adds dmg to other traps or could act as a possible mine where once the hero gets into a trap it activates in some way that will make the hero take more dmg or give them a stronger scent so it ties in with one of the girls
A minion to reset a previous trap after the hero falls through the trap door
a net or web trap could be used like gas so the hero takes more damage or make it harder for them to get out of other traps so they take more dmg or it could lead to special scenes with the girls where they find the hero and it leads to something else, and it could tie into the girl that deals with strings
In terms of new girls, someone mentioned a tentacle-based girl I agree with that idea, but I would like to suggest a more muscular girl and maybe a slime girl
i played for a little bit and so far the story is interesting and the art is good but the save system is a bit confusing since it does not show an image or anything that a save file is in the slot and i think the UI needs an overhaul and maybe a backward text feature to go back and see alternative outcomes but this would just be worked around with a bit of a better save system, otherwise i look forward to the games future.