oh that Barbarian was very cool!
Luiz Bills
Creator of
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itch devlog is outdated. Check the official changelog in https://microstudio.dev/about/
I’m distributing with your license https://github.com/litecanvas/plugin-frogblock/blob/main/assets/frogblock-LICENSE.txt
And also in the README:
Asking them to download directly from itch would make installation more difficult. But if it’s not possible to distribute the font in my repo, I’ll leave the repository private for my personal use only.
Comece por algum tutorial bem básico de Godot como o do brackeys
Outra engine muito boa para iniciantes é o Gdevelop
Algumas dicas que eu posso te dar é:
- Não tenha pressa. Lembre-se que até os melhores desenvolvedores um dia foram completos iniciantes.
- Comece fazendo jogos extremamente pequenos.
- Faça jogos que você gostaria de jogar.
Welcome to the City
Coins: When you defeat a boss, you can no longer choose your reward, but you earn 1d6x10+20 coins.
In the city you can buy the following items:
- Improved weapon (75 coins): Increase +1 damage. Can be purchased up to 5 times to increase damage, but each time it will cost twice as much as the previous one.
- Armor (50 coins): You take -1 damage, but your spells deal -2 damage.
- Potion (25 coins): Restores 10 HP.
- Magic: By paying 35 coins you can learn a random spell. By paying 70 coins, you learn the magic you want.
- Sleeping (10 coins): restores all your HP.
In the city you can also sell some items:
- You can sell a potion for 10 coins.
- You can sell a scroll for 15 coins.
Hi there! I am sharing a personal project of mine: a game engine for creating small games in JavaScript.
My initial motivation was to have a code editor with a built-in engine/library, with a simple API and that worked offline, as I sometimes travel to a region that doesn’t have an internet connection. I also intend to use it to teach a little about game development to some of the people I mentor.
Main features:
- Simple API: Just few functions to draw shapes and some utilities to other things like sounds and math.
- Predefined colors: Just use a number (from 0 to 11) to choose a color in our 12-color palette.
- Predefined sounds: Packed with 4 sounds created in ZzFX.
- Extensible: Use or create plugins to add functionalities or change the engine.
This project is still under development. All feedback is appreciated!
Nice project, dude! I took a look at the source code. If you want to have more control over the graphics, I don’t recommend using the 2d canvas methods directly, but rather creating a Buffer (array) and rendering each pixel. This makes it very easy to create more pixelated graphics (circles, for example). See that engine example https://github.com/Rybar/js13k2017/blob/master/src/js/lib/Engine.js
Hi @achie,
Sorry for the delay, I was on vacation.
Your feedback took me by surprise! I really appreciated your feedback.
Your feedback took me by surprise! I really appreciated your feedback.
I loved your dungeon map too. I wish I had the ability to draw maps hahahah
My “only ciriticism” isn’t even fair, as this was specifically designed to be as small and lazy as it can..
Regarding an “expanded” game, I highly recommend you check out Note Quest (the game that inspired me). You can purchase it in https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/308955/NoteQuest paying as much as you want. NoteQuest is a very complete dungeon crawl, with equipment, different monsters, different dungeons and even an open world mode.
Any plans on expansions btw?
I was working on one, but I didn’t finish it.
Little appended quiestion, are you into releaseing the raw design files, so people can contribute/homebrew/mix or is that something you are against?
I made the game cards using HTML. If you know a little HTML you can use this source code: https://github.com/luizbills/draftcrawl-cards
But I can make a template using the Inkscape (SVG) if you want. Unfortunately I don’t know how to use Photoshop or other mainstream softwares.