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A member registered Mar 11, 2020

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Not sure if this was intentional or not but after I downloaded the patch you just released most of the roads in the early chapters changed to a grassy texture. I don't know if this happened in other chapters as I haven't gotten there yet.before

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I’m not sure if this is a bug or not but is URMA supposed to join our party without any event after the paralogue? I won the battle then immediately got sent to base. Also I’m not sure I got any rewards even though it said rewards would vary based upon how fast you beat it. Shouldn’t there have been a dialogue or corruption scene after the paralogue battle?

edit: I was able to get 700 bonus points for beating it in less than 5 turns. I guess I just didn't see the reward before.

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paralogue is misspelled 

you can do the conversation event “animal wrangling” the first time you go to base

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In chapter 6 all of the grass tiles have the “sand - 15 avo” modifier. Also im not sure if this is because of the previous problem but when Argo became a harbinger in chapter 5 his movement range didn’t increase but instead decreased.

Edit: I got to chapter 7 and his movement went back to normal.

When i load up the game its stretched and i can't see the sides. I can't access the settings so i don't even know if there is a mean to fix this in game but like this the game is basically unplayable.