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A member registered Jun 03, 2018

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A new tutorial of how to install mods on Android would be amazing.

I got a new 8gb ram tablet like 1~2 months ago, so i know they can run, i just don't know how to install them 😅

Im on a galaxy tab a9+ and it is. Got it just to play this kind of stuff.

Sounds like a compatybility issue or the download got corrupted.

List your phone/tablet specs.

When you are on the dungen selection screen, on the leff side there will be a new button when you have someone captured. Click on one of the captured girls and it will show you the mission (don't forget the bring food and heals).

Also, those missions start really hard and they get easier with each passing day. They girl will also get more transformed into a new class with each day. 

The missions is the easiest to beat in like 9 days or so.

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Not all of them, but a lot probably do it.

I was just thinking that if you are actually convinced that minors don't have access to a PC... Then charging for the android version makes sense as there is no way a kid would be able to pay it.

Their parents most likely do

That makes no sense as they could just use the windows version for free. 

And people must be constantly asking because it doesn't make sense. But you guys already took your weird stance, you won't change your mind no matter what anyone says.

No matter how simple it was i still loved it, was one of the things that drag me to the game.

The "black flames" menu while in combat is part of Godot default UI? Man, Godot rocks.

Also i miss the black flames.

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How do you fullscreen? 🤔

You shouldn't risk 2 clerics at the same time. You can also heal with mages, paladins an cows.

sounds like you are trying to install the wrong version for you phone/tablet.

Something can be done with the enemies, like having a futa variant with different grapple animations, i remind you that this is a porn game 🤔

The "that might run the flow" part sounds like you just don't like that type of content, in which case there's already an option in the menu to block/hide content you don't like.

I don't get it 🤔

The milk slime looks like a cum slime 🤔

But she's is wearing the cow hat and the bikini top, so it's definitely a milk slime.

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Desire, submission, exhibition, masochism and libido are affected randomly by some enemies.

You could get a suggestion to try to get one in specific higher (but they cost 200 mana).

Also there's some curios that affect them randomly and others that target one specifically.

(There might be another way to affect them that i don't remember right now)

Remember to wear a maximum of 2 cow items (or you will trigger the cow class with the 3rd one).

And you can use a cow doll + the 2 cow items to speed up the process a bit (cow doll doesn't count as part of the set).

weirdly enough she did get the 2 missing equipment on the 10th day. I think she originally had cursed prisoner items in those spots, so they where preventing the maid items from spawning.

(Also she lost her soul and got empty dead fish eyes in return 😅)

If one of my girls got a girl kidnapped and she is slowly being turned into a maid but she is at 4/6 maid equipment will she get the rest of the equipment if i wait more days? She's at the 9th day (novice difficulty), so don't want to delay the rescue for no reason.

Yeah, that might work 👍🏼

The price of those upgrades got changed. They ask for the new currency that you get from completing quests.

3 equipment of the class will turn the girl into that class. It doesn't matter if they are cursed or not.

So you could give a maximum of 2 equipment to a girl to buff her job a little bit.

I miss mods, there's no mods on android 😢

"My suggestion would be to change it so that you have to double tap most actions in order to confirm selection, with the first tap showing the popup descriptions, and the second tap executing the action. Maybe with the first tap also highlighting what the game thinks you tapped on, would be helpful"

This is a genius idea. I suggested using tap and long taps, but this might be a lot easier to implement.

The content menu doesn't work on adroid, is not just you.

Also theres a way to inspect/see descriptions on android. You need to press the phone button and then the ❔ button. The game will enter a special mode in which whatever thing you tap, it will show you it's description (but you can't interact with anything in this mode, you need to disable to select things).

The gameplay and flow is a lot slower and tedious, but it's technically playable. I'm playing like a madman even with the flaws that the android version has.

The bunny "underwear" (it's just pasties) have like 10 durability 🤔

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Do you think it could be possible to add some kind of alert/notification whenever a rescue mission drops in difficulty?

If you wait too long the girl's eyes look a bit soulless and it reminds me of that purple haired girl from the Fate anime/games. It breaks my heart everytime i see those empty eyes.

Patch releases next week 🤔

With cpu-z, it's on the playstore.

Although ite seems like you have armeabi-v7a

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There is a way to review the girls before recruiting them in Android, although it's a bit hidden.

While on the camp/base, you need to press the "4 dots/4 lines" button on the bottom of the screen (sorry i have no idea how to call this button), then you press the "looking glass" button on the top of the screen, then you enable the "Recruits" checkbox.

Now you press any of the recruits and you can view their information by pressing the "shield with a star" button.

Note: From this hidden menu you can also change the jobs/locations of the girls very easily.

Btw i agree with you, there needs to be a less convoluted way to review the girls.

Have you tried downloading the game? 🤔

I played for 6 hours straight on my 3GB ram tablet, and never encountered any crash.  

I could try going for 9 hours straight (next weekend tho, i don't have that kind of time rn)  but i don't see the point, i don't think it will crash.

3GB seems to be the bare minimum to run this game. 

It's on Android now, but you need a good phone/tablet to play it.

Well, I'm going to report my experience with the android port (i was playing on a 3gb ram tablet).

I was planning on playing until it crashed but it never did on the 3 hours that i was playing.

The game runs slow (obviously) but is tolerable. I wish there was a way to reduce the quality of the graphics /effects but it runs at a"good enough" speed.

I wish the context menus (the explanations that appear by right-clicking, i think) would appear by long pressing (it would speed up the flow of the game considerably).

You can inspect allies by double or triple pressing on them (sometimes it's double, sometimes it's triple, it's very inconsistent) but you need to have a skill that would not affect your allies o you will end up using the skill on the first press.

There doesn't seem to be a way of inspecting enemies, but maybe by double/triple pressing while having a healing skill selected it could be done (needs testing).

Note: I will try to play for 6 hours straight on the weekend, looking for a possible "low ram/memory crash".

Another android question 😅

How do you inspect enemies in the middle of a combat? Like to see the hp numbers and buffs

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Can you use mods on the android port? I noticed the menu is still there, but i have no idea which folder is the game expecting the mods to be in.

It probably needs root access tho.

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Porny Vampire Survivors? Nice 😂👍🏼

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I would like to know why did you decide to put on-screen arrows instead of making the character walk to where you are pointing with the finger (other Android ports do this).

I will still test it in my crappy tablet tho 😂

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Probably Brazilians don't know either, as i live next to Brazil and have never heard of this before.

I also tried to find more information but couldn't find anything, so maybe it got added recently to that list of countries (recently as in this year).

Can we get an example for every type of script? Not all of them have an example.

You mean they get kidnapped or actually disappear from the game?