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A member registered Jan 20, 2021

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you made the game ALWAYS boot to the intro cutscene on launch, meaning anyone opening the game will have to watch it in its entirety everytime even if they have a prior save- and the game also crashes whenever i personally close the options menu, so that makes it kinda frustrating?

Amazing art, simple but fun game (with plenty of room to grow) and a fun concept! really solid game jam game, hopes this gets updates after the fact! (or, if you want to leave this as is, i hope to see more belly content from you in the future, VERY good stuff- srsly mary is. holy hell @w@)

insanely high quality game for a game jam!!! very excited to see a continuation of this in the future, incredibly fun game !

PLEASE add a save function- bugs that require me to close the game/bugs that straight up crash it are everywhere, and it makes moving through the world so frustrating. add control of the camera- with 3 move speed buffs it becomes impossible to see where im going, making getting hit feel super unfair. and please make enemies drop their loot on hit- more often then not i simply do not care enough to sit through the entire animation after hitting E, it gets old after 5+ repeat playthroughs attempting to actually get anywhere. the sorcerer enemies are also frustrating- the tower gauntlet just spawns 4 of them and its super easy to stagger them so you can never actually shoot. this game is very frustrating.

honestly even if it is a bit buggy, the only thing id like is like, a stuffing mechanic where the belly visibly swells according to the amount of food eaten, and thats like it for me otherwise this is a pretty stellar game! that first one is a personal issue, but honestly i really think you should be able to pay to cycle the store or just give us more options then 9. that should be an easy fix though, and otherwise this game is amazing. the character creation is a MAJOR step up from 0.5, like i cant even begin to describe how massive of an upgrade it is. the bloating mechanic is *so* hot, and the text is really well written and plays well into the personality types. honestly this is already a really good game, obviously it has room to grow but its head and sholders over most other games of its type, and FAR beyond the technical aspects of most of the other great games of this genre. bravo!

are you paying for winra

that doesnt sound like the max, i have her at the point where she can eat 20 chickens without making visible progress on the fullness meter... her completely empty stomach is also bigger than her which is why i wanna mess with sliders to make it not as extreme so i can actually see her swell when i stuff her.

it never saves my changes after i mess with the sliders, is it supposed to be temporary?

you mean you underestimated how long WG was gonna take, right?


dude i missed the line that said "what WONT be in the game" and had a heart attack reading that LMFAO

hey, i just discovered this game! this is really fun, and i was wondering if you were still working on it? im not pressuring you id just like to know bc im excited for a sequel but its been a while and i dont know if you completely stopped or if its just taking a while. take your time!

i havent even read the description and im already giggling

for further specification, you are *completely locked out* of interacting with the other girls because of the dates check. deb is the only one who can be dated, stuffed, or inflated currently

speedrunner babee

I like the gym a lot, though I do think in order for it to be worth it either needs to give massive energy buffs or sleeping needs to have some further penalty. hell, now that I think about it, the only real thing energy does is make you go home and click a button. I'm pretty sure that's just because there isn't enough stuff in the game (it is early access after all). I don't like the bouncer job because most of the dialogue entries just don't make sense, I like the idea of the janitor job though!

yo update?!? what's the changes?

What's in this update?

Could you add some sort of cheat to get the girls to their max instantly, normally I would be fine with it but since I cant save it's a pretty big pain to redo everything again (or just make it faster idc)


wow, the new art looks really good, I kinda did see how the style would change before (ophilias uploaded the new vic sprite on DA) and it holds up ! shame that it got postponed, but I would take quality over quickness any day. Quimby is genuinely one of if not the best belly game out, and the fact that it's still improving so much is really exciting. Keep up the good work !

"unfortunately" LMAO

no problem, happy to see it isnt getting pushed back, I'm super excited !  I'm also relatively less (but still very) excited for another belly direct, thought it was a one off type of deal. I loved every single game you guys picked for the last one, cant wait to see what you turn up with this time !

when in august can we expect the update? has it gotten pushed back at all? no pressure, just wanna not be completely in the dark

and if you dont it freezes on the spot apparently.

ok this game is cool and all, great content and decently difficult gameplay; but I can't T-spin. Game doesn't let you due to the spin collision. pls fix my tetris brain needs it

bro ur making a non profit fetish game you don't need to give us shit, focus on your future 

on PC, in browser there is saving, but on phone there isnt an

idea, you should make a character who knows you already from the streams, and their libido starts crazy high.

in the newest version, and both for some reason

(1 edit)

id like to point out filling sophia in the inflation minigame causes debs text to appear and sophia turns into a white square

also petition for you to add around 14 minutes to the phone clock because itll be funny i sweat please believe m

dude sophia is so cute on the dates i just got to playing again and i didnt realize there was new content shes so adorable agh

she isnt allowed to swear 

sure, ask me any questions you have about it

oooo uuhhh

i kinda have a seperate account for everything NSFW and dont have a seperate discord account for that yet

sorry but i can't join it till i make one, and even then its gonna be a hassle switching back and forth

seroiusly? ive been saving and loading fine this whole damn time, some bugs are that it permanently saves ur inventory but money fluctuates between saves. but yeah, it works for me

yeah im on browser and the save system doesnt work, but only when i close the tab and boot it up again

dude the first scene with sophia where MC gambles whether shed like the pretty face comment was honestly how most people feel doing stuff like that, and the "HAHAHAHH LESSSS GOOOO" when it works fucking slayed me props

while playing through normally, i got to the afformentioned level and it seems impossible, barely being one turn away from winning. you can play perfectly, and do one encounter per turn with a bonus one if you have 2 squads out at one point, but you eliminate all enimies on turn five, and on turn six, instead of granting victory it says you failed. could you fix this fiery?