Thanks a lot for the kind words.
There will be one update. It won't be that big, and then I will focus on new games. Maybe it will be a pleasant surprise for you in the future if you rediscover me or this game. <3
Just here with a soft recomendation. has a client you can download. It let you download, update, and play games you get from here with minimal hassle.
Oooh, I thought I anticipdated that one. There is a trigger on the inside that should open it. Thanks for the headsup!
Thank you for your kind words. Everything in the DEMO can be aquired right now, there is a hidden jump technique where you jump while spritning and doing a turn around, you get a high jump that you can walljump out of.
That sounds like performance issues. Web audio has a tendency to do that when your browser doesn't give it enough resources to run. Youre not the only one with performance problems for the web build so far so I might look into profiling the game soon and see if there is anything that could be improved.
oh, yeyeye, took me three tires before I figured out the strats. On my first two attempts I naturally gravitated towards the back intending to build my defences outwards but due to how the resource and cooldowns worked there was really no way to gain ground if you dont start with all your minerals already protected.
Interesting concept for a puzzler, the biggest problem I had was just figuring out the rules for the games. If you coudl have visualized how things moved around I think it would have been easied to get into.
I think I would have like to see some simpler levels that have a more narrow focus on only a few objects, avoid of trees on the sides getting mixed in.
What an absolute brain bender. I almost feel bad for quitting over the chase level. it was just too steep of a curve for me after awkwardly managing my way through platforming. I think that challenge would have come through even if it only featured simple platforming. Overall, a pretty solid experience, other have done this concept, but I think you made it work well.
I think having an austronaut as a characeter worked well. They are no stranger to dealing unusual challenges and circumstances by staying calm and think their way through.
This is a take on the theme I have seen a few times already, but I really aprechiate the preview of the weapon you are going to get a while before, lets you strategize around the change rather than being left completely left in the mercy of the dice. I think if you tightened up the paltforming a bit, you could turn this into a solid little game.