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A member registered Jun 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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As the main programmer of the game, I can say that Santi is a very good game designer and he is very talented at designing game systems and mechanics in a way that is fun to the player but is also logical for the programmer to apply to the game.

I'm still working on this game and I hope I can get a decent build soon!

thanks for the feedback!

thanks for your feedback!

this is very meaningful feedback, I appreciate it a lot!

thanks, we appreciate the feedback

Hey everyone, we are a team of 6 people who have been working on a rogue like project for over a month.  It consists of two parts: the first one being exploring a procedurally generated dungeon, very much like the original Rogue game. And the second one being a turn based combat like the old final fantasy games and such. 

Our team consists of:

  • Game designer
  • 2 Pixel art artists
  • Writer
  • Illustrator
  • Programmer

And ideally we would like to include 2 more programmers to the team.

We already have a working prototype, but it's lacking features that are designed in our GDD that we would like to implement, that's why we want to include more programmers to the theam.  We are willing to accept programmers with any kind of experience. We don't require any amount of working time per day, what we have been doing is setting small week goals at the start of each week.

If anyone is interested in the project, I can show you the project and we can have a call. You can contact me on discord: "bitoh." dot included in username.

sorry, but we already  have a writer

gracias por jugar! definitivamente nuesto mayor fallo fue el feedback visual/sonoro...

tiene sentido, disculpa, jajaja

muy original y guay!! se nota que hay mucho trabajo detrás

me ha parecido muy divertido pero difícil! me gustan los modelos 3d pero me pareción un poco raro que un robot coma y beba jajaja

Gracias por jugar!

Gracias por jugar!

Me gusta mucho la idea y lo pulido que está!

Estaría bien que hubiera un flecha que te indicase por donde está el portal pero la verdad es que no me siento bien poniéndole una pega a un juegazo tan bien hecho y de tantísima calidad!


We are a team of 5 members who are trying to do a 1 month-long project mainly for fun and experience but we are open to keep on developing the game if it turns out interesting. Our deadline would be the 31st of October and if we are happy with the result we may submit the game to a contest to get funded.

Our team has a programmer, a game designer, a level designer, an artist and a writer already, our game designer is starting to do a GDD and we currently have a very early stage prototype of the game we want to make. The prototype of the game includes pixel art, procedural generation of dungeons and a simple turn based combat. If anyone wants to check it out, you can send me a DM.

It's a rogue like with turn based combat. We haven't decided on a style yet but we know it's gona have a top down view and there's gonna be procedurally generated levels. Any member who joins the team would be able to propose ideas and be involved in game decisions.

We (mainly) are looking for:

  • Pixel art artist.
  • Unity programmers.

We don't have a lot of experience, so anyone who wants to join is welcome. Our goal is to have fun as well as learn from the experience. If we ever release the game we will do Revenue Share.

Our current members are all spanish speakers but we have no problem switching to english for communication.

If you want to join you can send me a DM or contact me in discord: "bitoh." Dot included.

parece que no nos va a dejar subir una versión descargable hasta el final de la jam :(

Hola, es una pena que no esté funcionando en navegador a pesar de que a nosotros sí nos va :( colgaremos una versión descargable esta tarde por si te apetece probarlo!

me gusta mucho el gameplay y el estio artístico! me encanta! :D

efectivamente :)


me gusta que sea un juego narrativo y pueda tener distintos finales!

muy bonito, me gusta mucho la temática!

muy chulo visualmente y bastante original

muy divertido! y con dificultad perfectamente ajustada en mi opinión :)

Hola! Los ingredientes que están más a la izquierda deberías poder añadirlos directamente al vaso y los de la derecha tienes que ponerlos primero en el recipiente gris y luego arrastrar el recipiente gris al vaso.  Gracias por el interés en jugarlo! :D

me sorprende que tenga tantos niveles para estar hecho en tan poco tiempo! me gusta mucho el arte y la mecánica principal

sencillo pero divertido! las físicas están bien conseguidas y el arte del juego es chulo. Estaría guay que tuviera música y efectos de sonido

Hello, I'm talking with an artist right now to see if he wants to join, I will tell you something if he decides not to

Yes, we will generate some content and then check if it's what we want. 

It's gonna be a 45 day project, so we don't expect many conflicts but they can be discussed with the whole team to reach a decision. We aim to create a game with this project, rather than create pieces of a future game.

Yes, a character interaction system that can be exported to other projects would be nice, but the focus would be on finishing the project on time. 

We will definitely require some tests as you said and some of the decisions you mentioned are already decided (i.e. we went with the top down perspective)

no la he recibido :( mi nombre de usuario es bitoh. con el punto incluido

Hola! We would love to have you in our team! Send me a DM in discord and we can discuss further

Hey, so we are using Unity as the game engine, I've been coding in the project for almost 2 months now.

Our idea is to create realistic levels (not super realistic but good enough), and we want to make the story a strong point of the game, including different characters that you can meet in different runs (we want to add this if it fits in the scope, but we are yet to decide). The game is going to be hard at the beginning but you can master it discovering strategies on each failed run.

How does it sound? Is there anything else you want to know?

I didn't receive it, is it possible that you didn't include the dot?

sure! send me a message on discord and we can talk about it :) my username is: bitoh.

We are a team of 2 members who are trying to do a 1 month and a half project mainly for fun and experience but we are open to keep on developing the game if it turns out interesting. Our deadline would be the 31st of October and if we are happy with the result we may submit the game go a contest.

Our team has a programmer and a game designer already, our game designer is starting to do a GDD and we currently have a very early stage prototype of the game we want to make. The prototype of the game includes pixel art, procedural generation of dungeons and a simple turn based combat. If anyone wants to check it out, you can send me a DM.

It's a rogue like with turn based combat. We haven't decided on a style yet but we know it's gona have a top down view and there's gonna be procedurally generated levels. Any member who joins the team would be able to propose ideas and be involved in game decisions.

We (mainly) are looking for:

  • Level designer.
  • Artist.

We could also include in our team:

  • Sound designer.
  • Story writer.
  • Another programmer.

We don't have a lot of experience, so anyone who wants to join is welcome. Our goal is to have fun as well as learn from the experience. If we ever release the game we will do Revenue Share.

Our two current members are locatded in Spain but we have no problem switching to english for communication.

If you want to join you can send me a DM or contact me in discord: "bitoh."

Thank you for the comment and for playing!

I think showing how many bullets you have is a must. Then I would also make some effect to show when you ve been hit, and maybe less enemies at the beggining, but that's just my opinion :)
