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A member registered Feb 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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uw XD

Nice work i liked the idea of hidden platform and items it was very cool (btw i found a bug that allow me to spam jump while the magic tree hit box is in range  :P )

The game was easy to understand and fun to play so GJ on that :)

Thank you so much.

Your comment appreciated :)

w8 so this isn't for any1 to join?!

if so then idk why they didn't put that in jam page

yeah that really helped alot, i will take notes about everything and try to improve it.

Thank you so much for the replay and the notes :)

well idk what is the end goal or what i should do inside it to win, is it just to kill this flying boids to win or there is no win at all.

the game wasn't really that fun it was buggy, especially inside this random spawning tubes/tunnels, but i found a way to go outside this tubes/tunnelsby just do 180 rotation.
The controls wasn't good, it was hard to control and was slow to react to follow the tubes/tunnels flow.

also i wished there was sound, like i think the game created to destroy the boids, so maybe an action motivation music and a sound for the laser but it was empty like the real space you can't hear anything in it.

But once i went outside the this tubes/tunnels i found it was mesmerizing and it was relaxing to just look to the boids moving in the space far away. but if i left it too much it acts like a PC stressing mode. it keeps create boids while moving in space, that my PC went from 600+fps to 18 fps in more than 30 min.

anyway GJ for the submission, and the theme was there, so that was a plus point for you :)

Thank you for your feedback.

for the control part can you please tell me which part of the controls was hard like is it the camera movement (rotation, zooming, pan/movement), or it was the build and command controls ("B" to enter build mode Right mouse click to confirm build, left mouse click  to select base, left mouse click to command beezorians to go search and attck enemy ) 

i will be happy if you really helped me to understand which part :)

and thank you really for playing the game and for giving me the feedback, i am really grateful :)

i re-updated the page with new detailed description about the game and how to play and what to do to avoid bugs and controls confusing issue to make it easy to understand.

I don't wanna it to effect the vote system, but this is just to try and get more understanding if the player will find this more helpful, just in case i wanna the same tutorial in discription for future's JAMS.

So please give me a feedback about it, that will help alot.

idk where to start or what to start with but i think i will go with what i saw good first then i crash u by what i was bad :P

so what is good is:

the wave michanic i loved it.

the music fit the game.

i loved how the customers move.

i saw the cars stop before the customers come in their way (btw i saw a murder on car crashed into the customer and he died and i couldn't see the car plate number so :P )

the art was cool i loved it.

and that is all for the good part.

now i hope you ready for the baaaad part.

the bad is:

the controls was hard to figure out i had to press every key to figure it out, i thought first that i have to click with my mouse on the doors and then i saw 1 2 3 4 so i clicked with my mouse on them but i start to click my numpad and then i start to press other keys until i went to the normal 1234 on my keyboard (which idk why figured the numpad and didn't try the normal 1234 after it i think i was dump here XD).

the game isn't really fun i can just press all the 4 number keys and that is it.

i thought if i let the door open the HP regain of the door will be fast but nope it was the same, so i just hold the 4 keys only.

the swarm of customers at the end are so high that you will lose what ever you do, but there is no lose or win in the game so what is the goal of the game?!. -_-

here an image of what happens when i left the game running for a while:

Well i feel it was gonna be really good game if you added a goal to it like if i reach amount of money i win and if i lost huge amount of money i lose.

and if you maybe added abilty to upgrade your shop doors it will be good to defeat the huge swarm of customers, or you can make the doors has short amount of time to be closed and regain effect be more faster when you let it open, also limit the amount of spawning of the huge swarm enemy to an amount that the money you gained can't reach to red so fast while you really can't do anything to avoid it  :)

so GL in improving it in future. and i feel it is better than the people that really couldn't submit anything to GO on that :)

fun game i loved the upgrades and the shooting mechanics and the art style of the Bow upgrades UI and the movement freedom you have in the map.

but idk why the game kept crashing on wave 5 but i kept opening it and then i found if i dont jump or move before the wave start it will not crash.

i didn't love the shooting sound after you apgrade to shoot many times it is louder than the music and can't find an option to lower it or mute the game sound.

also i felt it was easy and not having more to it like different enemy that hard to shoot it, but it was satisfying to shoot and kill this enemies after you get 10 arrows per shoot and 0.4 fire rate >:)

oh also i found a bug in your enemies :) ( i love it when i find bugs in games >:) ) they sometimes stuck on their spawning on the ground and just keeps running in their place.

anyway it was fun to play and simple the controls was so good and from my opinion i think you got the theme for enemies swarming into your castle to attack it.

so GJ :)

This really was fun game to play, it give you the ability to try different combination of building placement and strategy to defend your tomb or base (i forgot what you called it in your tutorial XD) 

i loved that you have the ablility to change building, deleting and selecting Keys in option menu.

even so it was hard to know that it was a tutorial in the start cause the text was black (you need to highlight a text with flashy color or make it bright or give it a color that can easily take your attention towards it) but when i noticed it and start to follow it, it made every thing easy and give me more understanding of how to play it and what i need to do next :)

also it follow the theme i think the rats were swarming to the cheese or the base :)

also i loved the feedback of the control when you click like the feedback telling you need more points and you can't build here and etc...

Also i noticed that every time you reload the game you have a different tile combination placement.

but i didn't love the sounds it is repeative and annoying if you keept hearing it while playing for long time :(

and i couldn't find an option to change sound in settings while playing, it is only from the menu of the game before you start :(

but nice game and GJ for making it in that short amount time :)

Yeap i am right now trying to make an Video Tutorial and an better description and update the page  for it.

 also bear in mind this game created in 3 days with 6 hours or less every day i couldn't incloud every thing i wanted and the time was really short for me to include tutorial :( , also i am new to this site and that was my 2nd JAM and my 1st completed and submitted Project to a game JAM.

But i intend to really continue the development on it and make more updates and add more mods to it.

So i will be grateful if you kept giving me feedbacks on the updates in future :).

And thank you for your feedback :)

OOPS i think i forgot to include that in description XD, well i will take it as a note for my self to remember it in future games :)

Thanks for the feedback :)

Thanks for the feedback i will take a note on this("The controls are unintuitive", "there is very little player feedback",) to improve my self :)

that is so hard i played for more than hour and still lost but u got the theme and i loved the tutorial in game i didnt hear any sound so idk if that issue with the build or u didnt put sounds in game?!, but anyway GJ :)

Nice tower defense game, it  will be more nice if it was more challenging i felt it was so easy that i left the game running in bg with 9 fully upgraded towers and many walls and healers and won the game with np at all. 

but GJ it was fun to play.

nice game it was fun and challenging i tried more than 4 times to defeat it but failed,the controlls was lettel hard until you adapt to it also i had to lower my mouse sensitivity to the lowest setting XD

but GJ :)

nice game it was fun and i won on impossible :P

Yeap i noticed that after i played it in full build XD but tbh i can say i tried my best and learned many thing from it so i am glad that someone even played it with lots of bugs XD

great game just between me and you Devs i didn't notice that this game have no level limt until i reached this score :P

(1 edit)

This was so satisfying to play the way the rats move after they reach ur mouse pointer are so cool GJ