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A member registered Oct 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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Double potion is currently unusable, but is purchasable.

It feels bad that using items uses energy.

Fully fed slime doesn't do anything???

Unsure if intentional, but my car's performance lowered after reducing its weight.

UX could be better by removing Yes/No prompts when attempting a race. Tutorial is needed of course, but once that's been done, the player doesn't need to be asked again. And asking if the player wants to race after they've already click the race option is redundant.

Game has potential, I look forward to future updates.

My experience was it that you had to chat with them and provide their expected answer 5+ times. If you're already in an alliance when the prompt for them to join should triggered, it will skip the prompt.

For adding commas, if you're using javascript, you can simply use:


and it will return the number formatted for whatever the user's language prefers, eg. comma separation for US locale, period separation for many European locales, etc. You can pass a string to the function to specify the locale if you want to be opinionated, such as 'en-US' for US locales.

If you want to do scientific notation you could do:


If you want to use your own abbreviations, you could do something like:

const num = 1234567890;
const commaNum = number.toLocaleString('en-US'); // Returns 1,234,567,890 regardless of user's locale
const splitNum = commaNum.split(','); // Splits the string into an array of strings using the commas as the split points
const displayNum = splitNum[0]; // Set the display num to the most significant digits; 1 in this case
if (splitNum.length === 1) {
    return displayNum // No commas means no abbreviation necessary
if (splitNum.length === 2) {
    return displayNum + "K"; // 1 comma means we're dealling with thousands
if (splitNum.length === 3) {
    return displayNum + "M"; // 2 commas means we're dealling with millions
if (splitNum.length === 4) {
    return displayNum + "B"; // 3 commas means we're dealling with billions; which we are in this specific case
if (splitNum.length === 5) {
    // Continue the pattern until numbers get so large that scientific notation is the only thing that's reasonable any more...

The above code will only return 1-3 whole number digits followed by an abbreviation letter.

Phenomenal. So BIG!


  • Fullscreen and window resizing are desperately needed.
  • Commas are needed once numbers get into the millions.
  • A max buy button would be nice once the player has 1m+ points to spend.

Fun game. Cute graphics. Frustrating upgrade system.

The upgrades can't really be engaged with until you have a few battles under your belt, so the mention of them at the beginning doesn't align with game flow. Mildly stymieing.

Upgrades increasing in power cost never feels good to the player. Upgrades should be all positive. If you're going to increase the resource cost to use an upgrade, then at the very least, leave the option to use the lower grade versions so that the more expensive version becomes optional instead of feeling like a trap. Repair lvl 3 feels particularly egregious in this regard.

The stat increases with upgrade levels is nice, but not being able to see what a level up will grant stats-wise is annoying.

Infect ability doesn't really feel worth it action economy-wise.

Having to land all the QTEs for the multi-hit attacks or take the full damage feels wrong. Partial success shouldn't be all or nothing. In that same vein, the basic Pulse would probably feel better to upgrade into a multi-hit variant instead of more damage. Infect could become more or less potent depending on successes. Same for healing. Multiple successes doesn't have to translate into a 1:1 multiplier on potency. Something like 1 success = 100%, 2 successes = 150%, 3 successes = 200%, or 50%, 75%, 100% would be fine.

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Fun game. Wish there was more detail and levels of body part growth.

I highly recommend adding page zoom support as this is unplayable at 4k resolution and without zoom support, the user is forced to lower their montior's resolution which is very annoying.

Great game loop. It's be nice if we had more distinct indication of the time left in the shift, but I can understand if the vagueness is intentional.

Early game is currently quite grindy. Might want to make the first level only need 50 xp so you can start better bulk producing potions. Also, the random drops when forest searching are frustrating early on because you can only use White Flowers, but you only have 5 stamina. Save scumming makes this a non-issue, but it's still tedious to save and reload. Some sort of targeted search for specific ingredients would be nice.

Woah! The update actually appeared on my Itch feed. Nice!

Phenomenal. Realizing I could eat ANYTHING except the hole to the next floor was a game changer. Yummy, yummy ice...

Issues: No resolution scaling makes playing this on anything more than 1080p resolution very difficult.

Improvements: I WANT TO GET BIGGER. Might be cool if there was a reward to killing things the old fashion way so then there'd be an actual choice between eating something or attacking/interacting with it. The limitation of needing to find a bed to digest is good, but once you find it, that just means you end up eating everything from then on.

On Windows 11:
- Right click Desktop
- Display Settings
- Display Resolution Dropdown
- 1600 x 900

Fun game. Seems to have problems rendering in fullscreen at higher resolutions. 1600x900 worked for me tho. Mouse controls would be greatly appreciated.

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Bug: Profiteer failed to allow the use of Corruption tokens on Charisma hero's power.

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Pressing ESC in the food inventory blanks out the inventory. Inventory can't be restored without reloading the apartment scene.

What furry? Haven't seen an option for that in any of the routes I've taken.

I maxed out the drug research before training Emily. Seemed to get stuck with inability to progress.

I'm on this site looking for kink games that involve growing sexual body parts and the milking of those body parts. Do what you will with that information.

My experience is that bust grows slowly at first but gets exponentially bigger as you invest into it.

Could you perchance get a non-furaffinity locked image for those credits? Can't view if not logged into furaffinity.

Fun game. Love the detail and thought put into it despite it fundamentally just making "boobs bigger".

Fun game.

- Lust Boss feels like it could use some tuning. Namely the mirrors can start attacking the player with bullets before they are vulnerable to be attacked in kind. Feels cheap when you're shooting at the mirror dead on, but your attacks pass thru while the mirror is freely able to attack you.
- It'd also be nice if there was an indication of when your attacks manage to damage the boss or get intercepted by a mirror. A sound effect, a flash of a different color, anything.
- An indicator of when the player's dash is on/off cooldown would be appreciated.
- It'd be nice there was key remapping. Or at least the defaults changed. Dash being on shift really isn't erganomic. It'd be much easier on my hands if I could use space or right click to dash.

Thank you for the reasonable reply. I get that people have different tolerances and expectations for different things. Figured you'd appreciate my first impression feedback even tho my expectations aren't entirely aligned with your creative philosophy. Again, I appreciate your character designs and general storyfeel.

  • Text speed option does nothing.
  • Some of the achievement images are swapped.
(1 edit)

There's A LOT of randomness in this game. Not just the typical games of chance like blackjack and coin flips, but nearly every game has a feeling of the house being stacked against you with arbitrary gotchas.

This almost hostile randomness is turned up to 11 with the secrets in this game. If I had not sought out the walkthru on the discord channel, there's no way I would have figured out any of the secrets. This is firstly because triggering some of the pieces to unlock the secrets is gated behind multiple layers of random chance. But then what's most egrigous is that there's next to no feedback that the interactables for the secrets are indeed interactable. No sounds, no sprite changes, nothing. I have no idea how these secrets are intended to be discovered beyond random chance.

The reliance on randomness and generally high skill floor of much of the minigames indicates that save scumming is expected. It's actively disincentivized by the fact that saving costs height after game 7. Which is fine, thoughtful choices and all that. But what's frustrating is that there is no load save function in any of the menus. I have to close the game entirely to reload a save. Needlessly frustrating.

Since the game relies so heavily on directional input for many of it's games (diagonal movement is faster and can't reliably be done by mouse input; qte sequences require directional input), it'd be a huge accessibility impovement to allow WASD for directional movement. I don't enjoy switching my right hand back and forth from mouse and keyboard.

An option for battle animation speed would be really appreciated since Determination is practically necessary to win most fights and it's animation is obnoxiously long.

The story and character design is quite well done. The consistency of the AI generated assets is impressive.

  • All Lilith.png instances appear to be missing.
  • Buying cards from Lilith shows the text of the card to the right instead of currently hovered card.
  • Attempting to buy a card from Lilith when she's out of stock results in an error without ability to recover.
  • Exceeding max MC size threshold results in blank image for MC.
  • There's a lot more status effects added with Demon set, but none of the statuses have any indicators in the battle screen.
    • And it's not clear what any of them do other than some temporarily change the max health and mana of the MC.
  • Titania super cards are missing text descriptions
    • When added to deck, they appear as solid black cards
    • When played, they cost nothing, but also do nothing.
  • Side note:
    • There is no rarity filter for Titania's super cards. They're only visible in the player's collection if the All filter is selected.

Kinks? Can't go wrong with breast expansion.

Fun. Lotsa boobage.

Possible improvements:

  • Mouse/Touch controls.
  • Prevent the player from being able to go off screen.
    • Could be interesting if she bounced off the side of the screen with her ample bounce pads.
  • Clicking her chest on the game over screen when she has minimal boobage creates really janky visuals.
    • Might want to tone down the bounce when she's that small.

Cute graphics.

Dunno if it's changed in the last 3 days, but adding any ingredients to the pot before starting the day just results in a mistake and just makes her horny.

The speed is quick, and you can't look at the recipe without covering the pot which is just annoying. There's plenty of unused space to the right it could be covering instead.

The hand cursor doesn't match the clickable area of your cursor. I'd change the cursor to a pointing hand or something that aligns with your cursor, or make clicking perform an area click so players don't have to be precise.

I'm guessing this is the "forgetting" mechanic, but several times, I'm following the recipe and it just doesn't work and results in a mistake. Frustrating.

I'm annoyed with a lot of lewd games that have the lewd outcomes be the punishment for misplays. It's a bad game loop. For playing well, things remain mundane and boring. For playing badly, interesting stuff happens but leads to a game over. Conflicting motivations that just leave me frustrated and annoyed.

What's the minimum height for a character before they're eliminated?

Possible bug in v0.19, seemingly regardless of what I choose, I always start with these options:

In this particular case, I chose to start kicked out by parents and inherit breasts and "breasts?" as options. Going back changing options other than being kicked out by the parent seemed to make no difference.

Ah, that would be the cause. My character is only 21. I had expected the effect of the Potion of Youth to increase my life expectancy, not lower my age. Which was something I was starting to need since my life expectancy had plummeted to 30.

The starting broken sword gives an XP boost for every perk you unlock via equipment leveling. Wielding two of them stacks the XP boost. That's probably the most effective boost to grinding in terms of equipment. Tho you won't be able to fully unlock those bonuses until late game.

For early game equipment, armor is useful for boosting your effective health, tho you automatically unequip the armor as you grow the relevant body part. Upgrading armor increases how much you can grow before the armor auto unequips.

Honestly, companions have a much more significant impact on battle effectiveness than equipment does.

BUG: Trying to exit or load game when in English mode shows a blank dialog with no text to click on. Have to use Task Manager to close the game

The rock sword was loot from the rock monsters around the farm.

Yes, it only went to the second page. And the option didn't appear with no option to go to a third page.

Potion of Youth was unavailable under the Medicine pages after being unlocked.

It'd be nice if auto-level worked even when you have no allocated levels by somehow remembering your previous ratios.

Bugs found in 5.2:
- Can get locked in the Giant Rat door room if a mimic enemy spawns from the loot within.
- Digitrade feet on a player with large size (500+) causes player to fall thru the ground when attempting to step over a wall.
- Somehow spawned an invisible wall at the primary entrance to the bandit hideout. I think it was after reloading the game after fighting the bandit boss once.
- Rock Sword makes max AP negative. Might be intentional, but the item description only mentions draining enemies of AP, not the user themselves.
- Consuming 300+ items at once freezes the game. Consuming 100 items stalls the game for a good 30+ seconds. Substantially moreso for 200 items.
- After consuming several hundred items, Level Up menu is slow to open.

The slowdown/freezing from items I suspect to be due to processing each item separately before applying the next item in the batch. Probably want to perform the final stat change calculation before processing any animations or other state changes to speed things up. I suspect the level up slowdown is due to some sort of processing of previously consumed items when the menu is opened.