so clueless...
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dont buy anything from this person, theyre not associated with team branches
buy the official album at instead
thats a preposterous idea, but i wanna be able to edit the level while i play it
kinda like super mario bros x (cool fangame by redigit), where you can add (some) stuff while playtesting the level, and once you go back to the editor, the changes wouldnt be made. i kinda liked this so i wish it was here too (and also because its somewhat weird to switch between playtest and editor).
maybe make f5 the mode switcher? (editor -> playtest and reverse)
there are actually 2 editors: one official, and the other not.
the official one is called keytool (ktool). its pretty weird and all, but thats what watson used for puzzle designing. you, uhh... have to... write code in other to set options for keys and doors (which is highly exploitable, so you can make a player spawner and stuff like that). and you cant undo, and stuff. but its made on the official engine.
the fan-made one is called... i wanna lockpick editor... made by l4vo5, which is somewhat better, but since it only started development, its in beta and somewhat glitchy. its made on its own engine (not even an iwbtg preset one)
and its not as glitchable as keytool (no custom code, 0x0 doors, off-grids, confusing key counts, etc.)
if you need some kind of help, or just a place to talk with iwl fans, you can join the unofficial iwl server! its pretty active, and even lawatson himself was there! he left, sadly...
yes, it is, with undertalemodtool. theres an entire hub in there, although unfinished. its called autumn woods, and the levels in it are called pages. all the levels are empty. (see
also theres a lockpick discord server that has a ktool level thread