disclaimer: should you do this? no
this may very mess up your game and corrupt your save, or not, i dont know, and that doesn't make this safe. (this is also unrelated to my bug report i messed with the soundtrack after that crash.)
the process is very simple. in folder with the application file there are several music files, find the one you want to replace and move it somwhere safe, now replace the file with another piece of music, with the same name and file type the game only seems to play files in the format of ".ogg" so if its not in that format you will either have to convert the file, find a .ogg version or choose a different song.
have fun replacing the relaxing puzzle music with stuff like "donacdum" and "one winged angel", or maybe something else you like that you find relaxing, just make sure you don't break your game. and backup your saves i guess.