Thanks tiger-drop! This was my first ever Godot project.
Going to try to spend some time playing the other submissions this weekend. I did play yours yesterday. I kept dying quickly! ;-) I will leave a review after I have played it a bit more.
Thank you so much Kaan!
I am glad that you liked the gameplay and aesthetics! The tempo and spawning are random so each game is different. Might be easier if you try it a few times. Also, it does get progressively harder the longer it goes with more enemies..... but again it is random so one game is definitely different than the next time you play it.
Thanks again!
Thank you so much Colter107 for taking the time to play and rate my game. It was a very thorough review and I am glad that you really enjoyed my game.
It isn't your computer. I forgot to toggle an option on the build settings. If you could try hitting ALT + ENTER you will go into full screen mode and it will work better.
As for lacking a tutorial, I just couldn't fit it in time. I have this grandiose idea of how to make a cool tutorial and there was no way I could complete it in the allotted time.
Anyways.... thanks again!
Cute game. Like the intro. Was a throwback to guitar hero. I think the girl was doing the chicken dance to heavy metal. lol.
It wasn't too hard. Liked the effort!
Could you please play and rate my game as well?
This game was really interesting. Definitely unique. I like that audio and aesthetics on this one. I would only have one suggestion. I was able to skip the intro... but afterwards I was like, "Oh that might have been important". So maybe forcing the player to wait for the audio to finish first.
Other than that. Enjoyed it. Great entry!
Could you also play and rate my game too?
The game mechanic and in game menu was Ssssssssssssssssuperb. I don't know what a caveman has to do with a Snake with an MD, but oh well. Was fun to play, but that caveman kept working me.
EDIT: played it some more. I see that was part of your rewind feature!
Good entry. I liked it.
Could you also play and rate my game too?
Loved the shout out to Adventure Time! Not sure if you have the "rights" to push this to production, but it was a good, fun game. Not going to talk about a lack of tutorial as other have done that. I would suggest only, that without having the rights to something, you might want to get other "free" assets that are out there. If you have the rights, then disregard!
Good entry!
Could you also play and rate my game too?
I believe that would be horrendous and could be brought to the Jam authorities and have that person banned. I can assure that I do not have a virus. I didn't have time for a web build and can't upload one until the jam is over.
I do have a video of the gameplay on the game page if you want to check that out.
Up to you.