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A member registered Jul 14, 2017 · View creator page →

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Your game has so much potential, well done

Excellent game, I'm impressed

Oh right ! Maybe he would have been better for the player to be the wolf and killing the sheep before he gets to his friends lol !

Thank you !!

Yeah it lack some gameplay elements, thank you for playing 😀 

yes you should, i really enjoy your project ! And in 2 weeks it's alrdy pretty good, well done

Nice idea, like the shuriken, but I can't passe the 4th level, I have massive frame drop

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god damn the hedgehog has no chill to swallow the rats like that haha

Nice but I thought I was losing on easy mode because I have an AZERTY keyboard lmao, pressing "A" is bind to launch start menu

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Cool game ! I feel like it would have been better if we couldn't hit the wolf, right now I just run into him at the start of the level, spamm roll, and kick his ass as soon as possible. Then I just have to take my time to get to the others sheep

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Yo the game idea is soo cool, but I found it frustrating!

Am i Dumb ? I'm stuck at the 3nd floor lol. I start the game with 2 hp, I can't even move now since it cost 2 hp. I think the game will be way better if :
- refill hp between level ?
- moving shouldnt be related to heal (maybe teleport cost life, but not the moving action). this mechanic is so weird, i just spamm "end turn" until enemies are in my range to kill them, because it's better that way than spending 2 heal on moving. Ok, I just understood that deleted card give one movement,
- having one or two slots to keep somes cards, some times the cards pool is so bad i just have to pass my turn to get a new hand
- since the game is all about having hp, if you draw the card 2 hp healing, you instant win the floor
- enemy are in range but i can't target them (look scren shot below)

Cool game, cool concept, I didn't manage to escape but I liked it!

Your game reminds me of the movie The Iron Giant. Truly beautiful game— well done!

Your game is very cool! It would be great if players could drag their equipped weapon to prevent losing needing elements. That would make the gameplay feel less random and more strategic. Anyway, congrats on the game! My best score so far is 3575.

Wow, the game hooked me!! A really cool idea to develop and I like the idea of mushrooms being both offensive and defensive (harvesting power for you)

I really like it, well done

Thank you! I wish I could add some ambiant music but I lack the skill for now, glad you like the animations ☺️

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Thank you😀! Did you manage to see the sekeletons ? If you want to pass the 5-6 waves you need to save money for multi shot lvl1! Dont buy potion while you have hp left 😁 some times one bomb 💣 is the best option

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Thank you ! I've added new ennemies since your last play and adjust some in game data!

God damn it there was a tutorial button and I didn't see it

There is an transparent capsule at the top of the litlle buddy. If you left click on it, it became green and is use liek a rally flag. It took me 10 minutes to figure that out lol

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Control are not great but the game is so cool LOL I have to say it's bit addictive. I think with more depth it could be a very good game like a vampire survivor

Everything is good, I think a better physics could make the game even more enjoyable

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I manage to move the train and shoot some drones but I don't have the "start small" feeling even with some upgrades. The world is very big and stylished. I think the concept is good but the implementation need some work and polish

I have the same problem dude XD i'm gonna try yours

The game is cute! Are you the author of the song ?

You're lucky I have discovered the Tab key to open the store lol ! I manage to buy a second floor but I needed 300$ to buy a worker which mean 300 click mouse, it's insane dude xD And like John I couldn't buy stock in the market, I guess I needed the worker or something but without guideline it's impossible to guess

Nice, it has the early Spore level, I liked it!

You need to fully upgrade the basic sword at the anvil, which is represented by the blue gauge. After that, put it back in the cauldron. :)

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Maybe you don’t have any money left? Be sure to always have $10 to buy a sword. If you run out of swords and money, you'll need to restart the game ^^

Is it you cat at the end ? lmao

What a lovely game, now I can finally sing with my band

Weird and fun 

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Great! It reminds me of the game "Robocraft," which I absolutely loved. It fits the theme perfectly since we get bigger and more powerfull, well done!

It works but why draw a sprite with a sword if you can't use it, I checked all the key to try to use it haha

Ok it's better now I Managed to get to the village lvl2

The concept is very nice !!!

The music and graphics are great overall, but the collision system is somewhat problematic. For instance, goblins can push you when they move, and you might get stuck in a tree. Interestingly, this can be the best way to win the game because if you're inside a tree, the goblins stop attacking you!

I managed to make my way back to my village, but it doesn't restore your health, and earning 250 gold isn't easy! The game is still enjoyable overall :)

Thank you griny 🙂 score is only 1 ? 😂

Thank you! I might preprare something in the futur 🙂