Thank you!
I this is a great idea, I'll work on that!
Check out mine, but know that it may be a bit frustrating because of restart button, but I would like to hear your thoughts about art and idea:)
I'll check out you game!
Thank you for playing and for criticism, all very fair!
I didn't intend the game to start on the S button, originally the level starts once you move, but for some reason, despite its working fine in Unity Play mode, when I played in WebGl, the screen for some reason faded away immediately after starting the level, so I had to rush this solution before submition period was over.
And you right about the Restart button, I think I made that way because I wanted to make "one life" kind of thing, but I can see now that it's just frustrating instead.
This felt to me like a great representation of depression and anxiety problems that I felt in life. So, it was nice kinda helping the character to shoot them all down.
Great art style, nice mechanic, controls are solid, didn't have problem with them. Maybe it was a little hard for me, but that's just my skill:)
Well, why not! Here's mine:
I'll look at your game right away:)
EDIT: Sorry, I would gladly look at it, but it's Windows and I sadly have Mac.
Thank you! In my game you only have one look at the level to figure out how you should proceed.