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A member registered Nov 30, 2017 · View creator page →

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Ah, it's coming out around the 7th of October, but thank you! Hopefully I can deliver.

This is extremely helpful feedback. There's two things I can't act on, namely changing the size of the dialog window because yeah, it kinda has to waste a bit of space to accomodate for longer lines unfortunately, and much as I would like to, I'm not sure I'll be able to add a back button, though I will try. An option to hide the reticule and a "fullscreen image" button are very good ideas that I can act on pretty easily, I'll make sure to work on them whenever I'm able.

By in large, the state of the player is gonna be locked to individual rooms, but a state indicator in the pause menu that doubles as a little bonus CG is a good idea, hmm. Much to consider.

The current plan is for episode 1 to release late September/early October at the latest. Fingers crossed I can get it done sooner than that, but thank you very much for the support!

Ah, I'm afraid there's not much I can do about that, windows has just decided the file is suspicious. It's perfectly safe though.

Should be fixed now!

That's been fixed in the new update!

Fixed that on the latest update!

That's extremely strange, yeah. I'm afraid I have no idea what's causing that. All I can think to do is try launching it again, and failing that, updating your graphics drivers, apologies.

That is a very good question. It's something I've considered, and I'd love to, but it's really a question of time. I'd need to push back development a bit to implement translation features now, and I'm not sure I can afford that. I'll see what I can do though!

That's very strange. Does it generate a crash report at all?

The pause screen in general needs a big overhaul, though that may be outside the scope of the demo. For episode 1 I'll likely turn it in to a traditional menu with Inventory, Options, Main Menu and Quit buttons rather than the bolted together inventory/quit screen it is now. Having LMB be a text advance/interact "button" is a highly requested feature too, I'll try and add that to the last demo fix I do in a few days.  Changing the Master default volume is easy enough, though I'll probably default it to 0.75, since it's largely not been a complaint.

No plans to add being able to see "yourself" currently outside of cast shadows, apologies.

Thank you very much for the feedback, it's greatly appreciated!

Nothing that isn't listed in the hotfix announcement, I just forgot to update the version number. I'll resync them when I make the last demo hotfix in a few days.

Extremely useful feedback, thank you very much! I am aware that the demo is very dense but not very long, that is something I'm going to make sure to improve on in the main game with some minigames, more exploration etc etc.

I just set a release date and didn't realize it would lock what's already out, huge apologies.

That is definitely a feature I'd like to add for Episode 1, it's just a matter of making the assets for it, getting Godot to cooperate etc etc

I'll give that a look and fix that, I very well may have misplaced a negative sign somewhere so Elliot's head rotates the wrong way.

Ah, yes, that's a known issue. Apologies, I completely forgot to set the music to loop naturally, so it can only "start" between rooms. I'll fix that as soon as I'm home in a week, there'll be one last build released for the demo then to fix any final issues that people have.

Ah, that's a very fair question. It's going to be largely a single, static story, with exploration revealing some hidden scenes and scenes unlocked via minigames. I'll update the description now to better reflect that.

It is a safe download, I think it's because it's a rar with an EXE in it, it trips a lot of malware detectors

Got it, I'll see what I can do to fix that.

Ah, that's not a bug, that's intentional. The idea is that the floor is heated and the ankle deep water is luxurious, but there's not really enough context clues yet, I'll fix that.

Please leave any comments, review or feedback not related to bugs and typos here! I'll read everything as soon as I can.

If you find any typos, spelling mistakes or grammatical errors, please post them in this thread!

Please share any bugs you find with the game in this thread! I'll address them ASAP!

Oh, also, I plan to begin doing fortnightly updates/devlogs once the playable build is actually out. That said, there will be one or two that are, inevitably, minor bug fixes and sweet FA else, so please don't expect grand updates every two weeks from that point on.

Development is currently suspended while I figure out how to get financially sustainable. It isn't finished, but I would love to come back to it one day.

Try talking to the people in the first level, you might need to try more than once!

Please post any bugs and issues you find here, though be aware, I'm unlikely to fix them unless they're outright game breaking. I'm just one guy after all, and likely to step back from development on this for at least a fair while.

This was mostly a test to see what I could throw together part time in two weeks for the lewd jam. I agree that it isn't particularly substantial, but getting a bit of practice in with Game Maker has reassured me that I can do more with it in the future. Thank you for the feedback, the style itself was attempting to emulate the style of the old DCAU cartoon Justice League Unlimited.

Whoopsie daisy that completely slipped my mind. My bad, I'll get that out ASAP

Working on a short interactive animation featuring Wonder Woman and Mongul.