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A member registered Feb 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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this is really cool! i've been playing it for a couple days now, i'm impressed with the puzzles. what is the process for coming up with a puzzle like this?

thanks so much! i'm really glad you enjoyed it. yeah there are a few glitches that i didn't really have time to work out. you winning 4-0 was intentional, i meant to make it so that you could win by getting the opposing team disqualified. it's a little broken though because your supposed to have to take the whole team out, but its possible to only take out one or two members and still win. i agree about the sound effects, and would like to add some to make that and other things more obvious. i also want to fix some of the glitches at some point.

very fun! i like the screen wrap, i was able to use it to my advantage quite a bit. i agree about the sound effects.

this is awesome! the controls are super satisfying and the comedy is impeccable. gustav is very threatening. i also found the cheese where you just press s to win.

ah that makes sense. i was wondering why i could walk on water, i didn't connect those dots lol

(1 edit)

this is fun! it took a second for me to get into, it was hard to gauge how far i would walk or how high i would jump. but once i started to get the hang of it the puzzles were really satisfying. maybe if you showed where each card would take you on its own rather than the final destination of all the cards, it would be a little more intuitive without taking away from the puzzle aspect.

Same :(

this is awesome! its super polished, i'm surprised it only took a week. the mechanic when you lose the package and have to go retrieve it reminds me a lot of yoshis island, and i like that you have to take so many different routes through the same level. i sometimes did not understand what some of the penalties did though, like weightless

thanks! yeah i agree, i think the game would be a lot more lively with more sounds

Fun! It's a little bit confusing figuring out what resources you need to recruit more people but the progression is very satisfying.

Super chill game! Its so relaxed and happy. The music is really calming and the art is super impressive.

Are we going to be able to see and play other peoples games before the year is up?

wow an old employee

i hope you didn't play too much dino game

im glad you enjoyed!

ha this is pretty funny i like it

this is amazing! such good art and music, it gives me GBA metroid vibes. thats crazy you made this in just two weeks!

aw its such a cute short game. had a weird glitch where one of my hands fell through the ground lol. i love the story, and the concept is super cool.

i made some good spaget, this is very fun. good thumbnail art too

this is great! really good art and really good music. you made a really good atmosphere.

i wish i could play but there is a weird glitch where it zooms in infinitely on the title screen, and i can't press the play button. :(

thanks im glad you enjoyed!

thank you! the random intervals took a while to figure out so im glad the extra time investment was worth it!

Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed

this is awesome! it reminds me of warioware, and i found myself going back to retry a lot

i love all the art and character design, its super creative and funny. the little role call with descriptions was a good touch, they're all very interesting and made me laugh. its a good concept, and i also like the upgrade system. i think it would be a lot more fun if there was more to do than just heal your allies. like maybe if another way to heal them besides just shooting them. or like the ability to make force fields to block enemies or somethin. it might also help the pacing if the enemies were more organized, and like came in waves or something.

Game Title/URL:

Pitch/Information: You're playing as a dude working a boring office job, and have to keep yourself entertained by playing games when your boss isn't looking.

I'd like feedback on: Anything

I need help on: There's a bug when opening the computer where any obstacles that were on screen will pause for a second before moving. I stop them by setting their velocity to 0 when the computer is closed and setting it back to -10 when its open. It used to work fine but something changed and i've got no idea what happened.