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A member registered 41 days ago · View creator page →

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The game has a lot of potential! With some polish, it could be something truly special. Keep going! Also, if you’re interested, I’d love to hear what you think about my game.

Great job! The atmosphere is amazing, and the mechanics are really engaging. Keep it up! If possible, I’d love to hear your thoughts on my game as well—it hasn’t gotten much attention yet.

I really enjoyed your game! The concept and idea are very interesting. Wishing you success in game development! Also, if you have time, could you give feedback on my game? Not many people have seen it yet.

Thanks for the let's play! This is something new for me—no one has ever made a let’s play of my game before.

Also, sorry for the camera rotation issue. I'm not sure why that happened. Maybe you needed to press the blue fullscreen button or click once with LMB in the game to lock the mouse to the center. It's probably a WebGL issue, but it didn't happen during testing—really strange.

Spacebar - Start the level

Spacebar - Punch

R- rotate box

Tab - menu

E - keycard/door

Да там перед конечным билдом кодер подумал что игра слишком сложна и изменил хп персонажа со 100 на 200

Спасибо за фидбек! Нам очень жаль, что за три дня не удалось отполировать игру так, как мы изначально хотели. По всем пунктам согласен — особенно жаль, что так получилось с головоломкой. Наш левел-дизайнер три дня играл в каких-то обезьян и не хотел делать игру, поэтому вышло то, что вышло.

Что касается бессмертия — его нет. У игрока есть очки здоровья, как и у всех роботов, у которых также есть определённый урон и HP.


Really interesting concept, the music is well done. The story is really interesting to me.. Great job!

Yes, you’re right — in fullscreen mode, the escape key doesn’t work, but it does work if you double-click the escape key. Thank you for your feedback! In the next version, we’ll definitely make an alternative for the browser version. For now, you can either double-click escape or use the settings in the main menu.

The colors you’re seeing are likely due to post-processing, but it wasn’t intentional. Even when painting the robots, I used a palette with colors similar to UV mapping. We only used base materials from the palette throughout. I think, since it’s a 3D game, there might be a lot of light reflections, making the colors appear different.

Sorry about that! 

Thank you for your feedback,! if I'm not mistaken we have sound parameters in the game where you can lower the music volume.
Or you can also do this by pressing escape.

Thank you for your rating! What did you think of our game's ending?

(1 edit)

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