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A member registered Jun 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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Oooof. They probably got the first punch.. Maybe next time lol. Thanks for trying it out :D

thats a really good idea! thank you for that :D 

Thank you for your feedback, its a big help

thats a really good idea! thank you for that :D 

Thank you for your feedback, its a big help

This game was very addicting lol. Really made me want to beat my previous score and see how far I could go, but what made me stop playing was the controls.. I played for like 20 min and ended up getting 36 as my highscore but it all came down to not enough mobility. Like I kept trying to press 'a' or 'd' to strafe at the same time as pointing the mouse to move in a certain direction. But there is no strafe and Im SO used to any type of 3D game having that mobility. Other than that it was a lot of fun.

I was really enjoying your game but I kept closing out of my tab on Chrome. When you use CTRL + A it closes out of the current tab. When the levels were getting harder I had to correct my jumps (hitting A at the same time as CTRL) and after the second time closing out of the tab/game I got frustrated and stopped playing. You did a really nice job and it was truly a very good game but sadly Im not going to finish it. However from what I saw you clearly deserve 5/5

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This game made me laugh. Does he say "HAhaha you're dead" - please tell me that was one of you guys. Nice touch. The intro into the title screen as well as the title screen was great. I enjoyed the visuals a lot, must have been a lot of work to model and animate everything. The screen shake made the gun feel more powerful. I only wish it was more obvious that the tree at the end was the 'Boss' - kind of like in some games where you get to the boss room and there's a big health bar at the top of the screen. Overall very nice job! each one of you put together a very cohesive and well designed piece. :D

It was pretty difficult but I beat it, you end up getting used to the controls after a dozen tries. Definitely start out the game with easier levels working up to harder ones. It was fun and it definitely fit the theme. I liked the art and the sound effects. Your use of the forward/backwards platforms were a nice touch that added complexity instead of just jumping over obstacles to get to the end. Well done! 

Awesome game! Really enjoyed the theme and the storyline. Made the whole thing feel more alive. I felt like the gameplay was very fair and progressed at a nice pace. I liked how I was scoring more points for faster enemies. 5/5 :D

(I got 689 pts.)

Very funny lol. It seems to be mine too, I didn't want anyone thinking it was too easy. (You can always bet nothing if you're not feeling lucky)

Thank you!

Thank you :D

Ouch.. thats pretty unlikely lol - it was hard balancing the game so that the user wouldnt ALWAYS win.. 

I wonder what I could add skill-wise.. maybe an option to cheer? Like you need to click the bubble 'cheer' on the screen within a certain time frame and if you do the boxer gets a 10% buff on his next hit? hmm idk haha thank you for your input! Your game was awesome. 

I guess I should have made the $2 that you start with more clear.. Sorry about that - thanks for the feedback

this comment really made me laugh. haha thank you for that.

Thank you! I used the animatedSprite node in Godot. I took this boxer ( and imported the pictures into the node and it kinda just worked. The hard part was playing one animation at a time without getting a stack overflow (that took a long time to figure out lol) using a yield method (telling it to wait for the animation to end before starting the next line of code) and that saved the day. 

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It wasnt too involved actually. I just set up a turn based system where I had 2 separate functions, one for blue and one for red. At the end of the function it would call the other colors turn. These functions would set up animations and choose the power of the punch. (That was just a random number generator 0-20) All in all the fight should be an even 50/50 shot. But! Whoever throws the first punch always has a nice advantage (I randomized who goes first). Luck also plays a big part in the fight because whichever fighter you choose he gets his punches multiplied by your luck 0-30% roughly.  

Just for some laughs I created a luck chance called 'Godmode' (approx 1/50) which multiplies your punches by 1000% lol - if you see godmode you should bet all your money

This was a lot of fun, it really felt like a real game and it felt competitive. Ended up getting a score of 1410! I wish there was a little more of a chance to keep the timer going but I guess with a time increase every 500 pts I needed to aim for getting doubles more often. Very well done!

nice job!

I didnt have another person to play with but the idea of the game is fun its almost like dodgeball. I really like that you incorportated powerups. Nice job!

Very nice job!

Very fun! Nice and polished!


I thought I was good at 3,500 ahah. You must be cheating lol

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that was awesome.. throwing that ball was SO satisfying. The initial grenade launcher sound into the ping pong ball sound was perfect. The game was super easy to understand so getting into the gameplay felt natural. The levels made you think but it wasnt frustrating it felt gratifying to figure it out. I really enjoyed playing. Best one so far

Simple and fun, those are the best types of games. Nice concept I enjoyed it. Got 4300 as my top score

Nice job! the music fits the game really well, and i laughed when I was reading your description. All those 2's really hit the theme home lol. The game is hard but I got better with some practice, my only thought is to have a little less enemys. Out of 20 tries I my best attempt was like 15 seconds so it was harder to get invested.

Very fun! I got through a bunch of levels and some of them were very challenging. The blend of 2d/3d was really nice. The puzzles were thought out nicely, there were minimal bugs (at least from what I experienced) and the sounds blended in so seamlessly i almost didnt notice. (thats a good thing) Very polished. Nice!

that was fun! I like how the green enemy can block the fire potion with a skull, it was a nice touch that those objects interacted together. You balanced the game really well with how much the enemys damage you. One thing though, I really wanted to use the teleport potion to get the final ingredient, like to beat the game you might have to cross a chasm and the only way to do that is with the blue potion. Good Job!