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A member registered Jan 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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No problem! I didn't think people would play the game again since the jam was over so I closed it up, I opened the page again so you should be able to download it now.

Im glad you liked it! ^ ^

Really clean game! Feels like im playing an old-school hard platformer with the art and the music.

Cool game, love the art!

Thanks for playing! Yeah it was difficult to balance the game with the limited time allowed, I tried to make it hard but the clunkiness of the mechanics add a difficulty layer that's not really fun.

Really cute game and fun!

I tried the game again this time without spamming buttons and it was actually pretty fun. The game is really fast at the beginning but you quickly unlock enough of the lantern upgrades which makes it a more fun experience, especially considering lantern oil drops works in % so you can stay a good amount of time in the same dungeon. Unless im mistaken there's still some mechanics missing like the artifacts and the crafting cubes so it's normal that the game isn't really balanced. Played like an hour and got to tower level 20, don't know if it changes much but having more enemies variety is cool. I didn't even see that the screen at the beginning had two more buttons for save/load and options, it's a pretty cool way to have a in-game menu with rpgmaker. Game has a lot of potential, i'll try the next demo for sure.

(1 edit)

Very cool game, nice palette and it really feels like an old GBA game. I wish there was a button that would allow you to look further away when you're not moving since sometimes spikes and stuff are hidden and you have no way of knowing without just jumping. Made it to level 3 before giving up, might try again later.

You can check my playtest: 

Very nice foundation for the game, gameplay is fluid and there's tons of potential with the "everything is destroyable" concept.

You can check my playtest:

Very short VN, not much to say about it since it's so short, drawing style is pretty unique, dialogue has exposition that isn't relevant to the story like knowing the map of the kingdom and exposition that could be better told by the story itself like the tradition of the moonstone. Instead of dumping it on the player you can just explain it bit by bit, a couple of lines when the wizard calls you out like: "I can't be selected to carry the moonstone! It should be done by the most talented warrior of the city... which obviously isn't me since I didn't take part in the tournament..." stuff like that. Just my opinion of course.

Game-wise not sure why you didn't go with Ren'Py since the game lacks some quality of life stuff that's included out of the box with it like volume options and text speed options. If you can implement one thing at least please add a text speed option so people who don't like typewriter text can select highest speed. Small bug also, if you click Load in the main menu then Back the game crashes.

Yeah I beat all the days collected around 30 coins, didn't really throw crates at them, I unlocked Dance and Bunny girl outfit but I don't think they're used yet anywhere, maybe in the later days? I also tried some abilities, the mirror room x-ray and coin collection but couldn't find how to use them, the passive abilities compass worked fine though. You're right there is an indicator bottom right that shows it's loading, I missed it cause I was looking in the middle where the start button appears since for days 1-3 it was instantaneous.

For the ceiling it was a room with a wall that you need to jump on a mushroom to go above, I could see the level both when I hit the ceiling from the mushroom boost and when I stood on the wall and jumped, this was right before a mirror room if it helps.

Hey, im gonna try to not reiterate what others say. I know you've already been told that the "management" UI is intimidating for new players but I want to add something, my problem with it is that it triggers the feeling of choice paralysis. You have so much stuff that you can click that you really don't know where to click, especially the sealing chamber section. I would also add that the Dungeon button should either be somewhere else or be way bigger than the other buttons, after all it's that button that makes you start the game so I feel like it should attract the eye instantly. Im not sure about the seals mechanic, I get that it allows you to make your own difficulty in a way but personally i'd rather have a normal difficulty curve where you unlock powers the more you play and you could choose dungeons with more difficulty that give more coins/lust but are hard(but maybe possible?) to finish without the powers.

As for the gameplay I liked it, you go fast and it's responsive, coin sound is kind of unsatisfying though. I played until day 5, the generation for the day 4-6 took significantly more time than the others, maybe add a small loading indicator? Also I noticed that if you're close enough to the ceiling you can jump and see the whole level.

(2 edits)

Wow big improvement from last I played it, it's really fun, you can make really overpowered builds but there's still tension since you can die anytime if you fail the bullethell. Couple of things though, I was wondering why do bosses give 0 gold and exp, felt kinda weird. It would be nice if there was a small help screen to explain stats. As for the skills and items having a tooltip when you hover over them that tells you what they do would be cool, especially for the upgrades shop since you currently can't check your current items stats so you don't know how how good the upgrade is. I tried a couple of runs (3) and they all felt pretty different with all the choice of skills, skill upgrades and items. Speaking of, the skill upgrades are pretty much build-defining but you don't see which ones you currently have, I think you should really have them visible somewhere, even if only inside the skill tooltip.

Oh and by the way in the last stage you can see the grey skybox if you go to the bottom left, bottom right and top left.

Love the atmosphere, game is pretty responsive. I did encounter a couple of bugs but fortunately nothing big. You can't quit from the death menu and that the resume button doesn't work if you press Esc. Agility does nothing, I leveled it up but neither my defense or armor changed. Save works for the first file but not the others, haven't tried loading. Also sometimes the save button also does nothing, I think it's linked to the other bug(when I try to save in the 2nd slot).

As for feedback, I feel like the doors south west/east are almost impossible to see, when you go near a door to the north your light makes the door shine brown which makes it stand out from the walls, but the doors south of you stay black and if you get too close simply become transparent. Also I personally think that there should be a visible experience bar somewhere and I don't see why you have the player click a key when the level is ready, could just load in directly I feel. Another thing is that I found a couple shrines but I have no idea what they do from the message given, I guess a temporary buff but I didn't see it anywhere.

For me inventory management is a mess, right click to drop makes juggling weapons in combat pretty much impossible and drinking potions in battle also very difficult. Dropping items is usually done when you're not in combat so there's no need to assign an important click to it, you can just drag and drop them to the floor. Another keybinding thing, I wish you could just use your mousewheel to switch spells instead of having the circle with Q.

I played 3 times, my first game I played a mage since I found a fireball book early, it went pretty well except for the bloodguard boss which took forever to kite with the bow since he was draining my mana and I couldn't fight him melee without dying super fast. I still killed him and reached the 3rd floor but got ambushed by a dozen skulls that shot fireballs at me and killed me.

My second game I tried a melee character, I found 3 rare monsters this time on the first floor(didn't see a single one in my first game) and man are they tough to kill and not really rewarding. I died on the 3rd one which was a vampire girl with her groupies since I was out of health potions after the other two magic skeletons. I don't feel like melee is really viable compared to ranged since you use your health potions really fast considering monsters usually come in packs.

My 3rd game I went mage/archer again, things went pretty well, didn't use many potions since it's easy to kite mobs and dodge ranged attacks with the bow early on. When I got to the upper hall(the place with the goblin statue) my bow was starting to suck big time but I luckily found a hunter bow there which outclasses pretty much all the other weapons in my opinion. Crossbows are pure trash, slow, no damage and impossible to kite with. I unlocked a lot of spells, fireball, fire trap, combustion, poison circle, but the one that I used pretty much from floor 2 to the end was purifying circle, that spell was just insanely good compared to the others since it's both AoE and single-target damage with the multiple projectiles, it's only weakness is that projectiles get lost if you cast in a small hallway. I did make it to the end in this game but the reason will probably be very anticlimactic, it was because I looted the two best pieces of equipment currently in the game, %lifesteal and %manasteal rings. You round up the values so my bow was giving me 1hp and 1 mana per hit allowing me to pretty much facetank everything from floor 3 to 5 and have infinite mana. It got a bit more dangerous for floor 6 and 7 since my armor and defense were really low but I had accumulated tons of potions which allowed me to survive them. The spitters in the breeding grounds were especially dangerous but I saw that if you're melee they hit less hard so I guess that's how they're balanced. I took a screenshot of my end stats/inventory if you're curious. I don't think I could have won without the rings, had some close calls even with them on since enemies love to swarm you. I did have fun though.

The switch from the serious "darkness, hiding from a murderer" to talking with Jack being completely random felt pretty jarring to me but it wasn't that long, when I say beginning im talking like the first 15 mins.

Fun game, the beginning was a little rough to get into but it picks up after a bit, the art is very serviceable and the music choice is really on point. Kind of knew I didn't have the "true" ending when I named myself even though everything fit since the rules said that the detective could not be the culprit and you die killed by someone else in the bad endings. I checked the files to be sure and saw who I was supposed to name, I would not have thought about it being her otherwise. I did manage to solve the riddles afterwards by reading the relevant sequences again but honestly the "true" ending felt worse than the normal ending, maybe I was tired at that point but I didn't understand anything about it, seemed completely random.