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(6 edits)

This game looks very intriguing – BUT for all the long description, you've managed to not really tell us what type of game this is. I mean I can see it's a sort of rogue-like shumup (real-time?) – but I think you need to give us a bit of a clearer explanation of what to expect please. For example is that a puzzle element in the fifth screen. Does the Star Fox-like constellation-map suggest it has a tailored campaign as well as the rogue elements? Is that a trading aspect? etc...


It’s all about the experience! The description of the game is said in an immersive way in line with the game’s narrative. Not the most common way to go about it, but that’s what I chose!

For clarification, it’s a roguelite shmup.


I get the poster's point.  However, I like the approach you're taking, "staying in character."  Anything that stands out and is novel gets a thumbs up from me :). Currently playing the game.  Enjoying it.  My own small gripe is I wish there was a way to enlarge text ( I have this comment for zillions of PD games, but I do like to raise it). 

(1 edit) (+1)

Fair enough - and I did see your more descriptive reply on Reddit. The game really sounds great!