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A member registered Apr 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Wow, this is amazing, great job. For me, I wanted to clean up space junk rather than stay balanced and it was fun having multiple brooms hanging off me and then use them to catch more things.

Haha that's amazing. Bonus points needed

That was intense.  I changed to the shot gun for the boss fight but shooting it seemed to have no effect. But it was a relief to give my wrist a break from quick fire shooting haha. Great game, well done.

Cute game, love the floaty movement of the character, very nice. Good job.

It looks so good, and I like that there was a story for the character's motivation. Great job.

Great game, love the panic from clicking the wrong button or firing in the wrong direction when things get fast. Very nice, great job.

Great game, loved the unexpected ship. Loved the music too, great job.

Very clever, great idea for moving up. I wasn't able to get high enough, I guess, as I didn't see any enemies. But yeah, fun game, well done.

Thank you for your feedback and good ideas, yeah it would have been good to have the option to have bigger snow balls so that there would be a choice - lots of quick small ones or fewer bigger ones. Good thinking.

Thank you, yes I didn't know to do that.

Thank you!

Thank you. Yeah I was watching the submissions and on Sunday morning still didn't see anything related to clothing buttons, so thought yep let's give this a shot!

Well done, it was fun. And thanks for taking the time to make solo play possible even though I'm sure multiplayer would be hilarious.

This was fun, good job! I liked it how you had bumping against the wall to change directions instead of standard left and right buttons. Nice.

Thank you, you were the first commenter, you made me very happy.

Very cute and nice sounds and music. Great job.

Oh wow, thank you so much!

This was really good, great job. I even felt a bit like I was falling, the physics and background were so good. Was there any sound? It was silent for me.

Hi, I tried the game both here and on gdgames and the same thing happened. 

There were two buttons, Life and Death and apart from a sound effect, nothing happened when I clicked them.

What am I doing wrong?

Good stuff, very clever, The only thing I didn't like was that noise when the question was getting ready. You would be good at designing Captcha tests! Like the shortest number question etc.

I got the music from freesounds and yeah it was a 1am decision when usually I would spend a very long time picking something. Thanks for playing. I remember your great construction game from an early jam with the crane and such good physics.

Haha yeah. I was really happy that the car corrected course when hitting the sides, that was a good touch.

Scream. Wowww, haha, I made the Sway behavior! Yayyy, first time I've known of anyone using it. Yeah sometimes less is more with it.

Thank you! Yeah it was not long before I finished that the snowballs were a problem with going right past the snowman, they definitely should not have done that. Although it kind of made it more realistic in a way with some snowballs missing and going in front. But at the time, about 1am, it was let's just get this thing done!

The thumbnail looked fun and didn't disappoint. Very fun cute game, well done, great job.  Flippin great mate.

Very clever use of the theme to use as constraints for a racing game, great job. I was really bad though and three laps was a lot! Hope someone comes along with a worse score than me.

Wow, so unique, really clever.  How did you do the plant movement? Is it all done in animations? It's very smooth, I love it.

Even more impressive!

Really clever game well done. If there was an option to turn off the instructions, I didn't notice it. But yeah, really interesting. The only thing I didn't like was that noise when the target score was reached. Good game.

Oh well. I liked it though.

Really interesting concept, it must have been fun picking all the audio and visuals for it. And yeah definitely a lot more you can add to it after the jam is over. Great job.

This is a really cute idea and I love how you used common household items as obstacles to continue on from the clothing theme. Seeing that boot come towards me was great. The game really glitched for me though after I went through the white tube (before the boot). The camera shake and the sound was very jumpy.

(1 edit)

I made it to the Think level but there's no reset button haha. Have to say it again, this game is so clever.

Oh wait, does it say Thanks, not think? I'm stuck in a little box, top left hand corner. Did I finish the game?

I played again, lots of geese yay. I pressed your fullscreen button and it was like the camera zoomed right in and I could only see part of the game screen and at the end the Reset button was covering the Final Score label so I couldn't tell if the score was showing or not.  This is what it looked like when I pressed the itch fullscreen button. I tried this on two browsers, Firefox and Chromium, both on Linux and got the same results.

Then I played using the browser fullscreen function (F11) and saw this at the end..

Whoo, this is so clever. I haven't got very far but I really like the idea. Great idea, well done.

(1 edit)

Hi, this is really clever and unique, nice graphics and the music suits it well too. Very nice. 

I noticed some things, after a while there weren't any more geese or clouds, just blue sky and sometimes a fuel can.  And at the end my score didn't display. It just had score and then blank space. But it did get saved to the leaderboard though. Playing on Firefox on a laptop.

PS. Have you thought about having the hot air balloon in the thumbnail? I'm sure everyone loves hot air balloons.

Great game, lots of fun, very enjoyable.

This is good, well done. And great work with the game feel with sound effects and having the bounce when the magnet drops. Also great that you've got the knives and coins placed randomly for each attempt. Good stuff.

Hi what an interesting concept, very clever, well done.

I'll try again later but the game quit on me and the tab closed when I pressed Q to fire the gun in the gun level. I fired the gun once, wasn't sure to aim for the door or the red box above the door. Then when I fired a second time with Q, the browser (Firefox) on my laptop must have thought I was trying to quit and close the tab. Before that when I right clicked to fire it brought up the browser right click menu.

Here we go. This morning, my time, I played and submitted my score which was a new high for me. When I closed the leaderboard it automatically went back to Level 1 and I played again but this time pretty badly. At the end this is how the score screen looked. ,The exact same thing happened to me last night and I went to come here to post but then itch was down so I thought maybe it was an itch thing. Played again this morning, and same error. Both times my first game was a new high score followed by a bad game. This is the same error as a few days ago but I described it incorrectly then.

Error from just now:

Error from about 12 hours ago: