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A member registered Jan 14, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for such a kind comment!!! I really love your art over on tumblr, so it means a lot to me that you took the time to check out my game and play it ;w; <3 I really love biology, and bugs especially, so a lot of the story was based off of more scientific knowledge of the various species and their relationships in nature. And I'm really happy that the story and characters felt sincere, since that is something I tried very hard to capture and convey, so I'm glad it came across that way! Thank you again for playing Life Cycles, I'm really glad that you enjoyed it ^^ <3

I wasn't really sure what to expect coming into this, but gosh this was so gripping. The feeling of entrapment, even before entering the cave, was so good. Got real 'Enigma of Amigara Fault' vibes in just how you could see the end from the moment the story started, but all you can do is watch it unfold. The writing really sold the protagonist's predicament and decisions; even knowing how stupid he was being it was understandable how he came to that point and why he'd felt driven to do something so reckless. Also, I'm not usually affected that much by cave stuff/claustrophobia, but DAMN did this make my skin crawl. Excellent work!

That makes sense! Next time I'll try to get zero stamina early on haha.

Gosh, the pacing of this game is so good... I was really lulled into a sense of false security with the first few days, and after playing your first game I was expecting the horror to be more of a medical/virus induced horror, not... well, no spoilers hehe. But you did such a great job of portraying Kev's mental state with the art style, I loved how uncanny everything felt as the game progressed. I was also only able to get the second ending so far, even after getting down to zero stamina, but I'll give it another try some other time. This game was great though, I'm excited to see more from you ^^

Gosh... first of all, I just want to say, thank you so much for taking the time to play Life Cycles- it means a lot to have someone take interest in it to the point that they do a let's play, I can't describe how excited I felt when I saw your post on tumblr ;w; I've wanted to make games for a long time, and I've played/watched a lot of let's plays of RPG Maker games over the years, so even though this was my first game, I've had a lot of time to mull over how I wanted to make a game if I ever figured out the program haha. I also had some wonderful friends to help playtest it and make sure it was ready to release. I'm glad that it felt like a cohesive story though, and that you liked the art! It's really wonderful to get feedback, and to know what people liked about the game, so I can make sure my future projects are of a similar or higher standard!

I'm really glad that you were able to get all the endings and enjoyed them! I'm a big lover of horror games, so I couldn't help adding some horror elements to the story, but I was a little worried about how they'd be received ^^; I'm glad that they were properly scary, but not so bad that it ruined the experience. 

Thank you again for taking the time to play my game, and leave such a lovely comment ;w; I'm looking forward to seeing more of your content in the future too!! ^^

This is so cute! I love the idea, the art is lovely, and the music makes it really calming to play even with the time limit. 

Thank you so much for playing, and for your feedback! I'm glad that I was able to get across that sort of feeling, because that's definitely what I was going for. I did have fun designing these two so I might one day do more with them again in the future, which is why I tried to leave it a bit open ended >.>

This is so cute and charming! The art for the backgrounds is lovely, and the character designs are all really nice and visually interesting! The bookshop keeper is very intriguing, I'm definitely interested to learn more about their deal in further chapters. The music was also very pretty, and helped set the scenes very well. You did a really great job creating an immersive experience, with the imagery and dialogue really helping to get into the mindset of Louise. It felt like a lovely mix of a Ghibli movie and an old English novel. I'm definitely excited to see more of it when you have the chance to continue, but this was also lovely on its own!

The art for the bugs in this is so cute, and the writing is very funny. I also really love the set up for the date selection screen, with them all in little habitats, it's a very nice touch!

SOOOOOO cute!! I love how interactive the game is, and the art style is absolutely adorable! I'm really excited to see the story progress and how Momo's quest for friends goes!

Very cute! Left me intrigued about the setting and characters, would love to see more of them if you ever decided to expand the project ^^!

This was such a simple yet clever concept, I absolutely adored it <3

This game is amazing... I didn't really know what to expect going into it, but it was so haunting and intriguing. The emptiness of the setting, the recurring themes and imagery, and all the foreshadowing and hints at what's to come, it was so fascinating to play through... The situations that both the protagonist and his mother had to endure are so painful to witness, but in a really compelling way. I felt so much sympathy for the protag's mother and the trajectory of her life, but also for him and how he never asked for any of this either...

I really love how you have woven surreal, sci-fi horror with a deeply introspective and personal type of horror, and how well the two fit together and compliment each other. This is such a masterpiece in pacing and horror, I'm really intrigued and excited to see where the story goes!

A good balance of fun and challenging! I like that you can't control the horizontal movement, and the fact that the level seems to be a bit random in terms of layout each time adds to the element of challenge. I had a fun time with it, good job! The score screen is a little buggy though, it obscures the other buttons and makes it a bit difficult to navigate ^^;

This is so chilling and good... I feel like there's various ways the 'snake' could be interpreted, but regardless of how the unsettling atmosphere and the sense of being cornered and not listened to by doctors is just so. *chef's kiss* Such a realistic horror depicted in a surreal and grotesque way, I love it.

No problem! I'm a lover of bugs, especially wasps, and I do enjoy a good dating sim, so it was lovely to see the two go hand in hand so cleverly!

It was a blast to play! Melion is a cutie though haha~

But that's very exciting to hear!! I'm looking forward to it! ^^

I love how you can take this down such a romantic route... I don't think I've ever seen anything where a parasitic creature like this is viewed in a romantic sense, much less anything to do with wasps. It was lovely to see something from the perspective of a critter that's generally hated, and having the potential to make them so relatable and human. I really enjoyed this <3

This is really cute! Short and sweet, but with a lot of charm. And I love that you used moths as the main characters, it's always fun to see some buggies!

The imagery and prose in this is gorgeous... A truly enthralling read.

This is so precious! Moth boy is so cute ;w; And I love the art as well, Ian's design is really cute ;w;

This game was really lovely and poignant... I love the use of Yume Nikki as a vehicle for exploring such personal themes, it made for a really cool experience. I definitely teared up a few times, but I loved your writing style a lot. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us <3

Aaah... this game hit right in the feels... I really enjoy this creators games, so thank you for translating them! I don't know if Colonel was attempting to make an allegory for a certain topic (can't say it without spoiling the game, even if it might be a pretty obvious spoiler), but even if they weren't, I think it still really resonated in that sense. 

Also... I felt no remorse for the rest of Matryona's family lmaooo. I don't think we were really supposed to, but honestly they had it coming xD

This was soso fun! I was immediately drawn in by the art style, but the dress up mechanics were really charming and entertaining, and I was a little sad when it was over haha. But it definitely made me intrigued to check out the game this is a spin off of, the characters and premise seem really interesting!!

Just gave this a play, and it's really cute! I love the art for the characters and their designs! They all have strong personalities and I think they worked well together. It was a nice concept, too! I like the idea of angels running a cafe, and I especially liked the turn in the plot where they have to make a big decision. 

For some reason, the audio and music didn't play for me? It was turned up all the way, but the game was silent; I haven't been having any trouble with audio from other games, but I'm not sure if it's an issue on my end or not, so I wanted to let you know in case there's an issue with the audio files.

This was really cute! It reminded me of some older clicker games, so it felt kind of nostalgic. I liked the art too, very cute, and the 'end' was funny xD Good job on this!

We're so glad you enjoyed it! I definitely have a few ideas on how a sequel might play out, so maybe someday we'll see our shark buddy again... Thank you so much for playing and commenting though <3

This game is so rad, I absolutely loved it! The setting was very cool and mysterious, and I loved the latter half of the game where things start getting more bizarre and wonky. The horror was played really well, there were a lot of moments where I was genuinely tense and unsure what would happen next.

I really loved all of the characters too! FEFO was my favorite, he's... full of surprises, to say the least haha. And INRI was a really great protagonist! I loved the twists and turns, and both endings were really dramatic and cool!

I saw in another comment that you're planning to continue the story, and I'm excited to see where you go with it and how the story expands from there! But I also think the story stands on its own well enough as a mystery/thriller, so you did a really great job with it!

This is beautifully illustrated! The backgrounds and the water color especially are gorgeous, and the character designs are so cute, especially Fern! I love the little star highlight in his hair. The character writing was also really strong; I loved the personalities of the main three characters, the banter between Fern and Esca, and the gradual growing to trust and respect each other. A lovely little story, I hope maybe to see these characters again someday!

I really enjoyed this. The art and sound are very soothing, and I love the simplicity of the god's wants and desires.  How easily it is appeased, and how easily it gives away things that drastically alter the course of people's lives, and eventually the world. I love that even if you try to impart alternative wisdom or methods unto mankind, they ultimately can only go down one path. The cyclical nature of it all was very poignant too I thought. A very well made game <3

This is so adorable!! I love the art and the character designs, it's really fun to see the Arthurian Mythos played around with in such a cute and silly way hehe. Chicken Guin is adorable, and I especially loved Melion, they were adorable x3 I'm not sure if you plan to do more with this setting, but if you ever do I'll definitely check it out!

Thank you very much! I hope that you enjoy it if you get the chance to play it ^^

Of course! And I definitely will, I'm excited to see what else you come up with!

Oh this is so good... The art for this is gorgeous, and the character designs are really great, especially for the One Who Stares >.> You did a good job of creating an eerie, unsettling feeling, even at the start when it isn't clear what the One Who Stares' intentions are. I love the rapid progression of the plot and the sudden raising of the stakes too, it was very dramatic and thrilling!

Played this on your website, it was really enjoyable! I loved the art style, especially the design for the cow. It was surprisingly poignant, I was expecting it to be more of a horror story, but instead it was very melancholy and tugged at my heartstrings a bit... The sort of game that makes you stop and think for a bit. Very good job!

This is sooooooo cute! The art style is absolutely adorable, I love the character designs, and the story was just very sweet. The main couple was so lovely and supportive of each other, and the side characters were also really fun and added a lot of charm.

I love the atmosphere here... The music, and color scheme, the walls of the map keeping you from going too far, the time limit entrapping you, it all comes together to make a really eerie and oppressive atmosphere. I like how it's all a bit ambiguous; you can piece together a pretty good idea of what happened, but not quite clear enough that it's not open to a bit of interpretation. I really enjoyed the experience!

I absolutely love the art for this! The way the bugs are drawn is so cute and charming, and it's nice to see so many different kinds of bugs too! I also love how the 2D art interacts with the 3D, it meshes together in a way that looks really nice.