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Builders Hut Games

A member registered Jan 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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Okay, it has been 6 months since the last devlog, and I regret to inform that my computer has crashed. The only way I'm actually sending this is via my Silver Hewlett Packard Laptop. My other computer was a Lenovo Black Laptop.

For some reason, Audio tends to repeat itself. I don't know whether it's an error with the code where the Balloon Catch sound would repeat itself, or whether it's my computer.

Oh, well, that's fine. Kind of.

In the Overview page, you said Paanch will play our games on Tuesday and livestream it on that day. He didn't?...

All I can say is WOW. Thank you all so much for giving me these good ratings! Especially on Audio! I never thought I would rank in on the top 20!

Very good for your first 3D game! And it was made in LESS THAN 3 HOURS?! WHAT?!

I'm very impressed that you even managed to add Graphical Settings like Post Processing to make the game look MUCH better! It deserves a 5/5 on every category!

Thank you for playing! This is probably my best Game Jam game I've ever submitted.

Yes. It is totally fair.

Use Right Click to place down objects and use left click to select them.

I'm NEVER doing game jams again. Well, I will probably do game jams, just not very frequently. Plus, I have a job, an app development job, and I'm getting paid if I do part-time. I also have a Piano Tutor app I will release soon so...

Thank you for playing my game!

No it doesn't. You can make games that are made in more than 3 hours. It's just that they would receive slightly worse ratings than games made in less than (or equal to) 3 hours.

Trijam games can be made in more than 3 hours, as long as you finish it, or at least make a playable demo.  However, games made in more than 3 hours will get slightly worse ratings than games made less than 3 hours.

This game is so hard. Took me 6 tries before I got the remote. But this game is pretty good and I laughed all the way because of the sound effects and endings!

I loved this game! It reminds me of Doodle Jump and gave me nostalgia of that game! Now those memories of playing that game are starting to light up like lights on a Christmas tree. Thank you!

However, there is one bad thing I want to say about this game: The movement. I mean, I get it, the movement makes sense because of the physics of jetpacks and such, but I do prefer Zelda-style top-down movement than with this type of movement.

I think this deserves an 8.7/10. The gameplay is neat too.

Oh, wow! Thank you for playing though!

Man, this is so cool! I like it!

Although it would be good if you highlight all the controls. Just saying.

Feel free to leave comments and put reviews. However, there are criteria for this:

1. That you put some harsh words like "scuffed" or "trash" or "does your mom know you're a disappointment?" to me. That really helps me.

2. That you put no more than a 3-star rating out of 5 stars.

3. That my game shall forever be known as the worst game ever that deserves to be buried in a landfill or burned up in the darkest pit of hell.

Thank you all so much.

Well I'm taking some assets from Scratch and importing them into Godot.

So I'm currently making a game for the TriJam. However, I do have some questions:

- What if you're taking a break in between? Is that okay? I just had lunch because my timezone is PST.
- So I was making my game in Scratch but then things broke. Now I'm submitting my game using Godot (Well, I would have until a forum came to the rescue and assisted me on fixing Scratch). Does that time count? Or would that time count (Because I'm going back to Scratch)?

I'm planning on making a better version of this but it's 3D, there is actually horror, etc. I don't want to spoil the story so let's chat on Discord instead.

Discord Username: Suspense_Comix

Discord ID: #4896

Multiplayer Game Jam community · Created a new topic Tips!

Here are some tips for you people who want to join the jam!

Don’t make Online Multiplayer games. They take too much time to code.

Start small, like a 2D type of fighting game.

Don’t make the game hard to understand. If you have split screen, it will be hard for the players to know who is which.

No eye candy. Sorry, but if you want to submit ASAP, no eye candy. That includes particles and camera effects.

Adding to Suspense_Comix’s comment, you can just set up two different controls.

Classic controls for Local Multiplayer: Arrow Keys and WASD

(2 edits)

Are you a person who has an idea but can't execute it in the right time frame, but still want to join Game Jams for the fun of it? I know I am that type of person.

However, some people lean on their own understanding and those types of people have a lower chance of winning. Even then, they have a lower chance of their game being good. So they follow tips and participate in Game Jams for years until they get good scores.

I can help you do that! I've participated in 3 game jams so far and so I'm not exactly the new kid around the block. So let me guide you through tips and hopefully you would have a better understanding on Game Jams.

First tip: Always be productive. And by "always be productive" I don't mean procrastinate or drink 100 cans of Red Bull every day. No. What I mean is that you have to discipline yourself to work on the game submission every day. Always try to be productive, or, in other words, try not to have a 0% day. This way, you will be able to be more efficient, speed things up.

Second tip: Start small. If you have wild ideas, but you're participating in a game jam, don't do that wild idea. Try to make a very simple concept you think you will be able to develop in the shortest amount of time possible. As for this Multiplayer Game Jam, try to make the simplest idea possible. Your game doesn't have to be a graphical masterpiece, and it doesn't have to be the best idea possible. 

If you think you can make your game the best by spicing it up with some eye candy and stuff, then go ahead. However, you should see if you can do it yourself first. I surely can't.

In the end, the game is all about the gameplay, and not about making it look good. If a book has vocabulary as good as Shakespear's plays, but it has bad story, then chances are it won't appeal as good as the author thought it would.

Third tip: Be happy with what you have. If you don't win, don't be upset. As a wise person once said, "Don't worry. Be happy." If you worry your game won't win, or if you don't win, don't worry at all. For all I care, there could be tens, hundreds, thousands of people who participated in the jam and they didn't win either. In the end, a game jam is about learning and meeting people. I'm not forcing you to be happy though.

This game will be postponed until further notice. I'm still trying to learn how to use Unity.

For some reason, there were many bugs and animations didn't work.

I just messaged the Unity dev team but they didn't reply...YET.

Hopefully they will.

Anyways, have a great day, and I'll see you later once I continue this game.

- Builders Hut Games, 2022

This game is 1 YEAR OLD?! Wow!

So I was working on my game, right? But then, I was about 80% into the game when the game jam end time was in a few hours. But I haven't finished my game! Can you extend the deadline so I can finish it?

(1 edit)

I had thought about making a game called "Office Emails" where you get a LOT OF EMAILS and you have to reply to them ASAP. But the Boss is being an idiot to everyone and only lets employees have a Max 10 emails in their Inbox. Once you have more than 10 emails, the boss fires you (Again, because he's being an idiot to everyone)

Which idea do you want me to do?

I have a few ideas:

Let the Infected Die - The "chaos" in this game is a never-ending virus. You can't do anything about the virus other than watch people slowly die by the virus. Again, it's inspired by COVID-19, Delta Plus, or Lambda (I also did a COVID-19 inspired game for the Brackeys Game Jam 2021.1)

Office Emails - The "chaos" in this game is the emails you constantly get. You have to reply to them as quickly as possible. You can only have a Max 10 emails in your account (Because the boss is an idiot to everyone). If you fail to clear out your emails by replying to them, you get fired (Again, because the boss is an idiot to everyone)


I made this topic for everyone to share ideas with each other! This will help some people get inspired and have their own ideas too!

Good luck on making your submissions!

This game sucks. Yeah. I KNOW

When I submit my game, it will have no sound as I haven't figured out Unity's sound/audio system. Just a heads-up in case you are wondering if there is no sound.

I don't think I'd be able to join this jam...I am still working on "The Ghost Upon Us" which was my submission for the Seashell Game Jams #1 even though the jam ended 2 weeks ago.

Is there a theme?

Okay, thank you!

Is the Jam gonna be the same as this jam? Or will it have a different theme?

But there are 14 competitors and 0 submissions so far. Maybe they still need time to make and submit their game.