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A member registered Aug 06, 2021

Recent community posts

Oh, I see. Thank you

So, does the public version not have Dallan's NSFW scenes yet? Because no matter what I do I just can't seem to get it

Can't wait for this one to finally begin receiving updates

Same here, they promised new content for him for the new act but, still nothing v-v

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I'm currently struggling with a bug that doesn't let me get past the character screen. I have done hard resets already, several times with the key combination you said, but it still didn't solve it. No matter what I do, the game just wouldn't start. I have played already two days ago, everything was just fine with my first save, but I got stuck and I was forced to delete that save. So I did, but after that, I just get stuck at the character creation screen everytime. Maybe once the next update drops, it might fix itself

Now that's a fetish you don't see every day

The game looks promising. Looking forward to its further development! Good luck!

Is there any way to have a threesome with the mage and the lion?

Yandere Dev Syndrome: Probably realised that there are people who are willing to throw their money at him, so now he is milking them as long as possible


Sooo... there is nothing for Eburon? What a shame v-v

Is Urso's storyline going to continue anytime soon? 

I managed to find him yesterday, but I think it was bugged, because I could take the horse and armor without meeting Hubert first

Thank you for this!

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I have no idea tbh, first I tried talking with the gray guy he said that he has no business with me. I talked to him again and then he gave me his horse and armor. I might have met Hubert already, but I don't really pay attention to names

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I found one of the quests already, but I can't seem to find the other two. I did the bearskin quest, but no idea what the other two are. I'm guessing one of them is taking that gray guy's stuff to Hubert, but I have no idea where to find Hubert. Can I get some help?

Oh thank god, I was going crazy and re-reading the cheat menu over and over. Thank you!

Where can I buy heart shaped cookies? I have been looking everywhere, even looked in the cheat menu but I couldn't find it

At this point I'm not even sure if the game is still being developed

I don't want to sound impatient, but is Chapter 5 also going to release soon, or is it going to be another month or two? Obviously I don't want you to rush things, just asking. 

I find it kinda amusing that some bitter people always find comments like these and decide to downvote them, even though it's possible to just completely turn off gay content

I keep forgetting just how stupid and ridiculous some people who play these porn games can be...

VNs that don't include NSFW as early as possible are usually not that long lived, unfortunately. I really do hope it's not gonna fail tho

Wow, people really didn't like that

Damn, you are working really fast. Don't forget to take a few breaks in-between all the work :D

Honestly, I do agree with that. You do need to be a little messed up to be turned on by rape or zoophilia. But obviously I'm not shaming anyone, this is just a game

I don't get why people are so upset by this comment lmao. 

Really liking the game so far. Great job!

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So, what does the gallery look like? Since there are barely any illustrations for scenes, is it just a list of the characters' sprites? 

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I just wanna say, thank you for this awesome game! It's truly wonderful to see one that is actually under good care, and isn't abandoned like most other visual novels on this site. And I'm not necessarily saying this because of the sex scenes, but because it's actually an amazing game. Way to go

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I couldn't care less about the story, I'm here for the porn, not for the cringe side story that was written around it. The fact that you actually wasted your time posting this on Reddit, well, what can I say.... good for you I guess, but I honestly don't mind, thank you I guess

No need to be so sensitive about things, I didn't tell anyone to kill themselves, did I? I hope you are posting this on reddit as well. Can't wait for it!

So it's not worth wasting time on, got it!

Can't wait for more content for the Wolf boyo

Okay thanks

Is there any way to buy items after setting out in the jungle? I made the mistake of not buying things before starting the quest and now I can't beat the big guy

I kept trying to save my game and it kept getting deleted everytime I closed the game. In case you are having the same issue, just put all the files inside the ZIP into a different folder

You could say that 

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That awful feeling when you are done with a game/movie/series and you come to terms with that it's over, and that you are never going to experience it the same way as for the first time. 

I personally spend at least a week just thinking about it all, then it just goes away. Truly a shame that things aren't the same anymore once you have experienced them already, and then you just feel empty for a little while

I shall patiently await the day when I can finally add top Logan to my harem of werewolves

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I don't want to make any false statements, but I think those parts aren't implemented yet. Unless I missed something