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Bul Ikana

A member registered Jul 23, 2015 · View creator page →

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This is soooo good. There are many issues with staff balancing, ice should cool down quicker, and earth should make more damage (IMHO), but all in all this is a great game.

This is hard. I blowed myself lots of time. Bombs spawned just were I was walking. Space is very limited.

I loved it!

A great idea to cast magic from your own life. This makes it hard, maybe too hard, but with a bit of balancing this could be a very great game.

I think this is how people looks at me when I am setting up a server. Typing a lot to make magic, lol.

This kind of concept but a bit more graphic would be very whack. Not necessarily extremely gore, just with fun animations. Kind of an old school looney tunes episode with coyote dying every time.

Reminded me a bit of katamari where growing is a problem

Having many characters gives a nice sense of variety. I think sprites may be too big, so it is a bit hard to maneuver.

I'm still missing a final. I ran out of ideas lol.

Having to recover your arrows gives it a different twist from other game with the same concept. I liked this a lot. 

Shooting with Z makes it a bit hard, you could maybe use an easier to reach key, like E.

Great concept, there is surely a lot to explore from here.

Thank you so much!

Yeah, i got very ambitious and I could not finish in time what I was planning, so I just uploaded what I could do in that 72 hours. Music and audio are very important for what I have in mind but I was very short on time at the end. 

Jukedeck is incredible, I didn't know about it. I will surely check it out.

You have to go back to the surface!

Great game. It took me a while to become the CHAMPION. I think you already realize this but the mouse gets locked when you are moving, making aiming impossible.

Anyway, excelent game, one of my favourites!

Such a great and addictive game. I found a problem. When you spawn way too much objects, the game starts to get slower, even if those objects are destroyed / no loger visible. I think you should check your garbage collection, or pooling your sprites beforehand. You have a max number fo fishes, so it should not be a problem to have them all created beforehand and just putting them into play. Same may apply for coins (which seem to cause the problem) and bubbles.

Anyway, great game!

Using plain colors as backgrounds is allowed?

what about gradients?