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A member registered Jul 11, 2022

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Thanks for checking it out!

Thanks!! We had to rely quite a bit on concepts since most of our assets had to be found online. Means a lot you'd comment on the visuals!

Thanks for the comments! We originally wanted to do more with the cyberpunk concept as well some gameplay mechanics relating to management, but ran out of time! 

Appreciate the comment!

Thanks! We originally wanted everything to be in 3D but it was a lot easier to find 2D assets to work with. We eventually settled on mixing the two!

Coming right up!

Super charming visuals 😃 Love the mystical, fantasy lore setup and the promise of adventure via a big main quest right off the bat! And it sounds fun being able to customize your lyre using different ingredients you find along the way. I’d be curious to see what ingredient combinations I can come up with!

Cute concept! Also a good lesson on how to have fun while keeping costs down!

This is a fun concept! I love the non-seriousness of it and how ridiculous this is allowed to be. Getting some Rocket League vibes mixed with Shaolin Soccer

Haha this looks great! The sense of sarcasm and dry humor comes off very clear to me. The art style is fun too!

Looks fun! I’m reminded of those older turn-based rpg classics! Really like the character designs - each one feels like they could really have their own individual personalities and move sets!

This looks fun! I get the feeling this could be a metroidvania-type game

Cute concept! I could see this working really well for a mobile device!

This is a really cute concept! Love the pixel art style too

The art and layout is super charming! Love the color palette

Looks super charming! Cute art and UI design! I can imagine lots of fun gameplay mechanics, utilizing different weapons, turret placements, and what not. I’d totally play this!

Looks fun! Cute characters and the promise of adventure. Love it!

This is awesome! I think you really did well with the UI. Looking at it, I get the sense there’s some really deep strategy aspect to the game where you take in info about the outside world and then make decisions that have clear consequences. The art is cute also - love the pixel style!

This is really great! I think you managed to put together your screenshots in a way that really suggests what I can expect from this gameplay-wise. Some action, exploration, resource management, etc. Love the artwork too!

I very much get a clear sense of battling which is important in a collectible card battler type game! The art style is cute and very inviting!

Love the combination of pixel art and 3D models/environment! Nice use of lighting and bloom effect!

The art feels very fleshed out! I love the dark colors and how it adds to the theme of exploring dungeons. It was also very smart to have a screenshot of the character creation page as it immediately made the game feel it has deep role playing elements!

Sand swimming? Looks fun! Really like the retro art style

The art feels so rich! I love how dense this feels.

Love how the concept feels so fleshed out! The board game vibe comes off very clearly. The art style is really cute too! Really like the light pastel colors for creating a sense of ease and relaxation

This looks really fun! Love the lore. It's so unique and cute

Nice! I think this has some good opportunities for a deep, seedy narrative

Super cute! It'd be nice to see this become a real game someday

This is super cute!

Looks fun and creepy! Good work!

Well done! Looks very polished

Reminds me of FFT very much! Good work!