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A member registered Sep 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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wow! really cool game, i love the concept and the difficulty is just on point! the narrative is funny and the art is incredible! congrats!!

congrats! i reaally like your game, had a lot of fun playing and felt relaxed too.

really cool idea and nice take on the scale theme! i enjoyed playing, but i didn't understand what ATT and DEF meaned, so i couldn't beat it. i guess it's some game expression i'm not familiar with. good job!

oh my god this is so much fun!! i wasn't expecting to dig into this game that much hahahah the physics on the objects makes the objective just hard enough! congrats

congrats on the submission! the theme and the atmosphere (sound included) really got me. i just had difficult understanding how to get new bullets to reload, so i ended up dying really soon. also took me a while to understand the controls.