Wow... VERY atmospheric!
Great Artstyle and totaly unique.
Love the 80s vibe.
Awesome Job! :O
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Thanks!!! :) <3
Yeah, actually the tendril was planned as a close-range attack. But that did not turn out to be a good solution. It has proved to be very bulky and difficult due to the simple movement.
I also thought about a cooldown, but I liked the buttonmashing in the end. ^^
But overall I can understand the criticism very well. ;)
AWESOME!!! Here and there a bit of polishing is missing but overall it has a lot of potential!!!
Would love to see a full version on Steam one day! <3
3 difficulty settings and procedurally generated fields should be enough.
Really addicting stuff. I just rushed through the levels. ^^
Found it strange that you can go to the next level without clearing the current one but like i said: Awesome Idea. Also love the minimalistic neon-graphics!!!
Unfortunately, there is no music.
So if you thinking about making a full version sometime: contact me. ;) I would love to make a cool Sci-Fi-Soundtrack to this. ;) ^^
I have not thought about that yet. ^^
But you can download it from my webside if you like. :)
(Just click on the download-link)