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A member registered Dec 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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Figured out my browser issue on so now I have the browser version available on and it's working correctly.

(1 edit)

Argh so upset, I fixed my wall sticking issue but I can't implement it because it's too late lol.  Judges don't use the web version link in the description, that one I am still working on and wasn't the version made for the jam.

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Thanks for the feed back!  I went back and forth about that jump for a bit.  Since it's still before the deadline I went ahead and updated that jump to not be so frustrating.  I also added into my GDD that the coyote jump is a mechanic.  I just thought that was a common thing in platforming style games from everything I've ever played.

You can do a coyote jump in the game meaning you can jump even after walking a bit off of a ledge.  Try to test it out to see how far you can walk off and still jump.  The jump is very doable if done that way.

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I used Gamemaker to make it, I uploaded a web version on GX games.  I couldn't get it to run right on, could only get it to come up tiny.  URL is here: