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CantankerAvian (Support)

A member registered Jun 30, 2022

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Hey Avian from Poppu here! 

If it helps, please try to make sure that you're logged into a google account prior to accessing the download link. This may help clear up your access issues as the download is still up and functional currently.

Hey, Avian from Poppu here.

This is a bug we fortunately know about and are working on for the next patch. 

Thank you for the feedback.

This is not a bug. The character you're talking about moves very quickly, your main defense against her is simply to close the door she appears on as soon as you can.

There are hidden secrets in each of the nights that you'll find in order to unlock the minigames. Try looking through the cameras and see if you can find something out of the ordinary, it won't be obvious at first.

Hey, Avian from Poppu here 
Fortunately this is a known issue reported on the bug thread. She is intended to be an end scenario for the player however we're currently covering the issue that freezes her in place. 
Thanks for the additional heads-up however. 

Hey, Avian from Poppu.
Would you mind helping us identify this issue by giving some of your PC specs? We're attempting to find a connection between yourself and other users who have reported this bug so we can find a fix for it. 
The loading bug is a known issue so far but it'd be great to have your help with identifying the cause of it.
Thank you.