Gmedit no tiene comandos, es solo una forma de crear mods/archivos con terminacion .gml, si quieres saber como crear mods para el juego revisa algunos de los manuales que vienen con NTT o el de gamemaker en general, estos estaran en ingles como es obvio asi que si quisieras empezar a hacer mods y obtener algo de ayuda/apoyo de otros usuarios que se dedican a hacer mods tendras que aprender ingles
Recent community posts
action number 1
of Step EventTV
for object Debris:
invalid type for *= lhs=undefined (type=5), rhs=0.50 (type=0)
called from - gml_Script_motion_add_from (line 3)
called from - gml_Object_Debris_Collision_361 (line 5)
Mods: loaded: allskills, bossbar, vineskill, weapon mutations and passives as mutations
Why this happens
here is
action number 1
of Step Event1
for object NetPlay:
ds_list_find_value argument 2 incorrect type (unknown) expecting a Number (YYGI32)
called from - gml_Script_dp_player_get_uid (line 2)
called from - gml_Script_dp_player_find_next (line 3)
called from - gml_Script_chat_cmd_wep (line 6)
called from - gml_Script_chat_cmd (line 52)
called from - gml_Script_dp_handle_flow_frame (line 6)
called from - gml_Script_dp_flow_hx32 (line 51)
called from - gml_Script_dp_flow_hx38 (line 17)
called from - gml_Script_dp_flow_hx39 (line 1)
called from - gml_Script_dp_event_update (line 5)
called from - gml_Object_NetPlay_Step_1 (line 28)