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A member registered Jun 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Overall nice and fun game, but as AshBadas said, there should be some kind of instructions - it took me few tries to find out that i can shoot with triangle :D anyway, i absolutely loved the soundtrack - very catchy and the transitions were nice as well. Good job!

Thanks for your feedback it’s appreciated!

We are both kind of noobs so we definitely missed a lot of quite obvious things (we can see that now haha), we will definitely do better job next time.  Thanks again! 

This is very beautiful game, i love the art, the sounds and the feel as well, you did really good job here!

very challenging but alot of fun, i couldnt get rid of one of the flies :D very good job

I really like the soundtrack, its very catchy :D the art is very nice as well, enjoyable game :)

Nice puzzle game with a lot of levels that require some good thinking :D i enjoyed your game even tho i didnt finish all of the levels. Good job!

Hey everyone!

Im self taught dev with few months of experience. If anyone is interested in some help (paid or unpaid) i'm willing to help as much as i can! 
For some examples of my games check out my page ( https://carpentercode.itch.io/ ), it aint much but it's honest work. I found my passion in programming and im hoping one day i will be able to make carreer in this direction!

Yes indeed, i was struggling alot with lightning in the whole game. But as long as you had fun i'm happy, thanks!

Its not bad at all, love kungfury protagonist and the soundtrack is very catchy, definitely good job!

the artstyle is awesome and the game mechanics are very smooth as well as the soundtrack. very enjoyable piece :)

very oldschool looking and very catchy game, the soundtrack is awesome and when you let few enemies stack under the platform and then kill them like a bunch it feels good. good job!

That's hard! But the background and music is awesome same as the gameplay, very challenging but cool game B)

omg that's awesome hahaha original idea with very cool artstyle, but as someone mentioned before, the dance offs are much easier, maybe it's because i didn't understand properly when am i supposed to match the dance with lights? Anyway really cool game! Im glad i spent my time playing it :)

the particle effect on hitting enemy is pretty cool and that oldschool dramatic soundtrack is awesome as well as the oldschool artstyle :) very nice 

very cool design and that insulting was awesome, it's always good to have option to diss your opponent hahaha

Hello there! I started learning unity roughly 2-3 months ago from a scratch and id like to try and team up with someone with similair level :) if anyone is interested hit me up over here and we'll sort something out :) 

God goes crazy and unleashes his wrath on the whole world, you have to pick strategic locations for your spawnbuildings to overcome his  crazy amount of damage.
Something like this

thanks for suggestions, last few days/weeks i'm literally not doing anything else.... CTRL + S is super hardcoded in my muscle memory now and i!m pressing it all the time....
It's true tho, i went from 0 to 10 quite quick :) still got LOADS to learn tho haha

(1 edit)

Hey!! Just uploaded new update for my game,  there's some more guns, that took me ages to figure out, so go check it out if you're interested!

ive spend a many hours to get it to this stage lol but im very proud

Edit: Version 1.0 is out there, but there is still some more stuff coming (hopefully haha)

nice game with nice little pixelart :) 
kept me clicking for a while, the only thing missing is restart button, other than that good job :)

Wow, amazing. Very good atmosphere and sounds, works very well alltogether. As someone mentioned before, i didnt want to open my eyes in the game after hearing the sound. Awesome

very funny and interesting game, is there any inspiration taken from metal gear solid? hahaha

Nice little game, very simple and enjoyable :)

Funny snappy little game :) 

Thank you for feedback!!
I definitely plan on doing some balancing, just need to add some more mechanics and gameplay first :) 

Thank you again!

Im up for it so hit me up when you choose some Jam, and if you're interested ofc :)
please bear on mind that im completely new to all this stuff, so nothing much complicated haha

Alot of fun! Very engaging for one button game, love it :) 

A lot of fun and good idea, i love spamming spacebar and covering enemies with rain of bullets haha, good job

First game i finished to be fair, i've had few more projects before but i never got further than halfway through haha. Yeah i can do that, that's what i was going for the first time anyway, but then i thought it might be bit more interesting this way.

Thanks for feedback!!

Thank you so much for feedback!! I was currently uploading update where you can actualy mute the sound since i thought it might be annoying for someone people, so maybe that's why. Anyway thank you so much again!!

Anyone wants to team up with complete beginner? I'd preffer something fairly simple, since it's supposed to be beginner friendly haha

 Unity and c#

(1 edit)

If theres anyone who wants someone fairly unskilled in their team for something quick, im available :)

Im using Unity and C# (or im trying to lol)

Thanks, appreciate it :) 
im honestly stunned by the community around game development - everyone is super halpful and nice. Thank you all guys!!

One Button Game community · Created a new topic I made it!!

Sorry for creating comepletely useless new topic, but im very excited since i just finished and submited my VERY FIRST game ever. It's horrible and i'm well aware of that, but i'm still very proud :)