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A member registered Aug 25, 2018 · View creator page →

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nah man we just update when the acts are out. Which we literally just finished act 3 and posted it to patreon today. But we are gonna do optimizing and polishing some long over due stuff before putting it on itch.

Heyo! Love the addons!

I'm trying to add "Flip Horizontal" to the on-screen controls but I don't see it in the list. Is there any way I can add it?

Unfortunately not yet, I will try to find an option for yall in the future. Honestly better yet hope our governments pull their heads out of their ass

bro like 60+ animations? Of COURSE they are short loops xD anywhere from like, 3-10 seconds

yeah that’s what the fix zip is for

We found out this type of bug is likely related to your language setting of windows. Super odd problem to have. Not sure if this ones fixed on our current builds, but we are aware and have a good lead on the problem.

Until then sorry about that!

Pretty sure it’ll just say itch. Maybe my carrot tag

Hey! Sorry for the late response, been busy.

So I am seeing it move on a simpler canvas/objects. But I notice it's not quite interpolating as I expected. Like, when I rotate a things, it can't correctly predict it. I'm assuming it's not supposed to handle more complex stuff?

Heyo, so frames are indeed added, but the pixels on the canvas aren't modified at all. It's basically just putting whatever frame "on 2s" or whatever we set.

If we have frames 1 3 and 5, I think the idea is it would auto generate 2 and 4 for us. Giving us 12345. But as it is, we get 113355. Hope that makes sense!

they are videos. MP4s and gifs, they play on anything.

(1 edit)

Can you message me on Twitter or something? @carrotscritters

Also it’s strictly 3D animations, there are no lessons in it :0

A couple of MP4s in volume 2 or 1 weren’t properly encoded so they were harder to play.

I’ll release mp4s for the next ones and redo these later!

Actually, we will likely do a build for steam once Act 3 is done! It'd be good to test out how steam-updates and all that will go :>

oh strange - on my end itch says the Act 1 files are accessible but when it hit download it takes me to act 2 as well, I must be doing something wrong 

they are the same game. This might have some elements that are dated. But the downloads here should give you the old act 1 release

Ayo! Thanks for the compliments!

One of the things our rebuild is incorporating is tags! We will be tagging scenes by preference and critter, so peeps will be able to filter the gallery. But with that function, we want to also implement a preference setting so it can skip those moments for people who don’t want to view whatever content.

I’ve heard the comments “I’m not usually into blank, but this is super hot!” Many times before, so I definitely suggest folks taking a look instead of flat skipping stuff. But it’s a function we will be adding none the less.

Heyo - I went through a majority of your bullet points, and they are all actually fine.

Be sure you're moving the right bones. These rigs (all the same btw), have both IK and FK rigs. Be sure you're showing the right ones by toggling on the bone layers. If you don't know what this is, google it.

When positions are being mirrored, it's because X-mirror is on. You're right that the doberman's is on unlike the others, but you can just toggle that off. it's a good feature to be aware of when posing/animating stuff anyways.

In addition, a game's Blender file isn't always super indicative of their actual game files. For example, the blender files here have controller bones (the ik bones), which are likely not in the actual engine. Or they could be, but usually assembled in the engine themselves. All that to say that the blend file =/= game prefab assets.

But yeah blenders nuts. you'll get it.

-Oh, Missing texture on moose is legit. 

Dude you're a fuckin' hero, thanks so much for responding to people here <3!

Naw when it’s done, it’ll be done! Also it’s a free game :o

we have gotten some similar bug reports. Is this the browser version? Or which OS?

Yeah, we made the songs, I made the originals in FL studio, and the newer songs are done with reaper and some other program. But to my knowledge they don’t export a music score.

Sorry, we don't have the score for these anywhere. BUT! Listening for the key and playing it by ear is solid practice too!

Double bird ~o.o~

Got a fix up for those bugs now!

I didn't think it was that hardcore... maybe it's my super hardcore gamer keyboard 8)

We do have a code implemented now! Thanks for waiting!

Implemented now!

Check where you're storing the game, sometimes it acts SUPER funky if it's buried too far down in windows explorer folders.

Haha sorry about that! We got a cheat now to help folks through it!

(2 edits)

Naw sorry! Unless you're talking like, a whole ass bitcoin, THEN YEAH! >:D

Planned yep! But not for a while :O!

Nothing content-wise. The steam one will eventually have achievements and stuff, and it'll show up on steam. But they'll be the same game.

Interact with the perch right next to where you got the bell!

No of course not :0! We do monthly builds on patreon, and then do big major releases online at certain milestones

like - aside from the gallery function in the game? No

tap space bar!

We don’t have any touch support at the moment! On the bucket list though

That's on the bucket list!

Heyo! Thanks for the kind words!

We aren't looking into localization just yet, still got plenty of stuff to write out and solidify! We will likely be asking publically though once that is an option, a good ways out.


Act 2 isn't finished, but what we have available is playable on our Patreon. Each month we do a build.