I dont know if you could add like a hint option so that we can provide hints to our players in case they dont know what to do
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great work its looking fantastic, im specially looking forward for more graphical options like the graphic bar visual option and the skill checks and dice rolls
just one thing, will there be an option for skill points? like instead of using xp when you level up you instead gain skill points that you can use to level up your stats and skills? even as an alternative way i think it could add options for the developer (and players)
does it only allow for 1 variable per entry? and can those variables be customized?
for example lets say I want to add in the character relationships entries on top of things like their respect other aspects of their relationship towards my character
like for example their love in case I want to implement a romance system or their loyalty and morale in case im trying to create like an army mechanic and I want to see how loyal each of the officers in the army is
maybe in the factions entries on top of my reputation with said faction I want to add things like the happiness and the obedience of the population or the number of troops and the yield of gold in the towns and the cities that I control in case that I want to for example implement a system of taking control of settlements or things like that and keeping track of those variables is important for the gameplay
also maybe adding the ability to scroll down the window instead of having to press enter to see the next one would be pretty useful
yeah I feel this plugin has a lot of potential for interactions and compatibility with other plugins like maybe a plugin that adds a weight system like in skyrim and the max amount of weight gets determined by your strenght stat if you have this plugin installed and things like that
or for example i can see compatibility options for your multicrafting plugin like maybe you can add an option where certain recipes require a certain stat to be a certain level like intelligence if you want to make a potion or dexterity if you want to make like picklocks or like having a higher stat reduces the possibility of failure in certain recipes and things like that
I could see similar interactions with your conditional disable/hide choices plugin
I just see a ton of possibilities, that being said i dont know how realistic those are and how hard it would be to implement them
i have been searching for a way to reproduce as close as i can DnD 5e in RPG make MZ and your plugins certainly help get closer to that ideal
I agree about adding the possibility of dice rolls for skill checks and maybe have the possibility of using different dices, maybe even adding the possibility of using the stats and dice rolls during combat to calculate things like damage and defense (that can already be done without plugins by modifying the formula to use random numbers but there is no possibility of using stats)
also i supposed this could be a completely different plugin but maybe something like an stamina bar that is determined by your stats, like your constitution