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cat da dum dev

A member registered Dec 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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cos i wanna know if it was too easy, too hard or normal to get more merchants

btw did u get any more npcs or only the first one?


would 1 min sound good?

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How much time are you thinking? Because I didn’t want too much time but also didn’t want too little.

not 100% sure tho

im pretty sure html is only for visuals and u would need js for function

so basically remove the story

nvm i have a good idea for the limitation

maybe i could instead do as a twist can be every once in a while a bug spawns and falls but if you catch it before it falls you get some money

im planning on a spider being the tutorial guide so maybe it can mention there being no ground

do i just ignore the limitation cos as i said how can a clicker game have no ground?


When touching it press e, and press r to restart the level.i am unable to fix or add anything to this game because I’m really really busy so this is the most I can help. Sorry

it doesnt let me move

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wall jump if u can

this was also submitted to UDC Jam

bro this is scratch.

ayo i somehow had a blast playing this

thanks! i tried buttons but it decided to not work. sorry about no buttons

ayo i loved this experience

-controls felt good

-sound was nice

-nice idea


ill see what i can do

ill try add some music! but thanks

(1 edit)

Oh sorry! your meant to click 1 2 3 and 4 ill add a message that says you need to press numbers

Cool game just i dont see where “darkness” theme is also this isnt made in unity i dont think. in the rules state “Your game must be made with Unity “