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Hi jotapeg, that is a fantastic suggestion. Can you please write us a message on our facebook page ( or join our discord server ( and write a message to "Reaktor:[Dave]"?
That issue is now fixed with the latest version:
Thanks a lot for reporting!
The game runs fine at that resolution on our machines. Do you have a screenshot?
Please try running the game with the following parameters: -resolution:800,600 -fullscreen:false
If the parameter fails the first time, run it a second time with that parameter as the resolution setting can lag behind. Go to the options menu and click on "Reset". What resolution does the game want to change to after you clicked on "Reset"?
We just released an update that fixes the issue with the counter. There was a mistake in reading out that information for each new playthrough and thus triggering the achievement. If you actually have heard 1000 different audio lines, the update will give you the trophy automatically, since storing your progress with these achievements was working fine.
With the latest version (1.0.3 this issue was fixed. In case you are able to reproduce this on v1.0.3, please report back. Thank you!
Thank you for posting the screenshot. Everything looks good!
We need you to do some more things and answer the following four points.
Obvious question:
1. Do you have a 5.1 speaker setup connected to you soundcard?
Back to your screenshot: In the window "Lautsprecher-Setup", see the selected entry "5.1 Surround". Click on "Testen" and count the number of audio signals, each signal being played back by a different speaker of your setup. You should:
2. hear six sounds, each coming from a different speaker
3. perceive them at the same level
4. hear the sounds as the following sequence: left speaker, right speaker, center speaker, subwoofer speaker, rear left speaker, rear right speaker
Ja, es handelt sich dabei um einen Bug. Es ist nicht vorgesehen, dass man sich beliebig viele Spinat-Dosen aus der Mikrowelle holen kann :)
Es war zum Zeitpunkt der Aufnamen geplant, dass jeder Charakter das Spinat-Rätsel lösen kann. Beim Gameplay-Testing fielen uns aber mehrere Probleme dabei auf, sodass wir uns dazu entschieden haben, den Spinat permanent in Hoagies Tasche zu schieben. Dadurch sind leider die Lookat-Sprüche, die du durch den Bug entdeckt hast, quasi rausgeflogen.
Thanks for your answer. We need some more info about your audio device. On Windows 10, please open the start menu and search for a programm called "Sound" (icon resembles a loudspeaker) and run it.
- Make a screenshot of the Sound program once the window is there.
In the Sound program, find the default audio device (the one with the green icon), left-click on it to select it. Now find the button on the bottom of the window named "Configure". Click on it.
- Make a screenshot of the new window without selecting anything.
That new window should look similar this:
Du sags, dass man nur noch eine Aufgabe übrig hat, um das Spiel zu lösen. In deinem Beispiel mit dem Pin aufhängen müsste Hoagie bereits den Spinat benutzt haben. Daher fragen wir uns, wie du es geschafft hast, dass Bernard den Spinat überhaupt hat. Oder bekommt Bernard den Spinat erst, wenn er die Mikrowelle benutzt? Hast du ein Savegame von dem Zustand davor?
Can you give us your hardware specs?
The crash on pressing "enter" is likely caused by your OS message about the program not responding. On Linux, it is necessary to do a task switch out of the game and back in upon entering the menu/language selection screen. Otherwise, the game won't process your input information.
Hi digirz, the bug you are experiencing is hard to reproduce, as it probably involves Unity skipping some frames and because of that not processing a call from the gameplay logic. However, we have developed a workaround that is able to detect that situation. It should be fixed with the next update, which will also repair your savegame.
Hallo itichi, du scheinst da einen schwer reproduzierbaren Bug gefunden zu haben. Hast du zufälligerweise noch ein Savegame von diesem Zustand? Du kannst es entweder per Dropbox oder so hochladen oder uns auf facebook ( schicken.
Hi blackbird2016. The issue you have is new to us. Is this something you can reproduce by loading a certain savegame? If you start a new game, the voice is fine? If so, please upload your savegame so we can have a look at it.
Keep in mind that changes to the OS' audio system while the game is running are not supported due to a bug in Unity. Sometimes, these changes can happen without the user's notice (for example connecting a screen to you video card with audio output over HDMI).
Also, please post your hardware details, especially the audio device.
Vielen Dank. Wir haben das Problem entdeckt und machen ein Update, welches dein kaputtes Savegame reparieren wird. Damit du aber direkt weiterspielen kannst, haben wir dir hier ein Savegame hochgeladen, wo der Fehler bereits behoben ist:
Allerdings ist die Ursache dieses Fehlers für uns unerklärlich.
Als du den Schlauch aus dem Fenster geworfen hast, ist dir in dem Moment etwas merkwürdiges aufgefallen?
Kannst du uns ungefähr eine Schätzung geben, auf wieviel FPS das Spiel bei dir läuft?