As someone who's been using it for 6+ years, I am fully aware that GDevelop is just as powerful as any other engine, but even then, I am simply astonished by the scope of this game!
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100% agree with your claims here and really appreciate your feedback!
The first half of the game is something I'm very proud of and don't see much need for improvement, though the second half, while not awful, is needlessly rushed and way too fast.
While I personally like the ending, I can understand why some might not, considering the first half of the game is mainly just slice-of-life containing comedic banter between the characters and Kishimoto's introspective inner monologues.
This was my first time writing a proper story and I've improved a lot since and the next visual novel that I'm currently working on is definitely going to be a lot better! Though I definitely want to come back to this story some day and maybe even re-write it, as I think the concept is creative and the characters are likeable. Maybe I could slow the pace down, make the game longer, have the eighth day be a bigger part of the story and introduce more characters as the game goes along!
I'm beyond happy that you not only played my game and enjoyed it, but also took time to leave such valuable feedback!
Hey Sutemo! I just really want to thank you for so generously providing all your assets for free! I've been able to use your assets to create my own five-hour long visual novel (Eighth Day Kishimoto-kun by cattymations) that even landed me a interview with a video game journalism company!
As someone who has been publishing games for the last 3+ years, I have participated in many game jams; all of which have had some kind of judging and/or voting.
As it is not specified, I'd like to ask if there will be any results of some kind or this is even a competition to begin with.
Hello Newbo! Don't know if you're still active on this account or your YouTube channel, but I'll make sure to say it anyway.
Recently I did an interview for a French VGM outlet and in one of the questions, I was asked to recommend some itch developers.
I really like your work, so of course I recommended you! "When I Started Writing, God Spoke to Me," Cattymations Says Eighth Day Kishimoto-kun | Patreon
Hello Clark! I recently did an interview for a French VGM outlet, and in one of the questions I was asked to recommend some itch developers.
I really like your work so of course I made sure to recommend you! "When I Started Writing, God Spoke to Me," Cattymations Says Eighth Day Kishimoto-kun | Patreon
Hello Dutch! I recently did an interview for a French VMG outlet, and for one the questions I was asked to recommend some itch developers.
I really like your little prototype so of course I recommended you! "When I Started Writing, God Spoke to Me," Cattymations Says Eighth Day Kishimoto-kun | Patreon
Yeah, but you'll have to go to to see. After the jam results video is resealed, a "results" tab pops up on the jam page on itch. From there, all you have to do is click on that and scroll until you find your game.
Alternatively, you can also go to the rate page for your game, which will have a small spread sheet showing your results for each category and overall, along the score and raw score for each category and overall.