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A member registered Oct 29, 2020

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Yes, how stupid I am. I didn't notice that. Now it starts working. :)

This pluging seems to override MZ's default font with the font defined in the "Default Font Index". Not a big problem. I just need to define the MZ default font in the plugin.

However, the plugin is not very compatible with Visu. I guess it's because Visu rewrite many windows and scenes.

Sure, thank you so much!

When I install the plugin and start testplay, I get the error message:

TypeError           Can't read property 'getPluginName' of undefined.

I disabled all the other plugins and it still happens.

I've also tried it in your sample game, and It shows different error message.

However, if I disable all the other plugins in the sample game, it gives the same getPluginName message.

(2 edits)

Here are the plugins I mainly use. The "core plugins" are free and can be obtained by downloading visustella's sample game. I put them into my google drive folder as well as the other two paid plugins, so you don't have to get the whole sample game.

My google drive folder:


Visustella sample game:

In case you are not familiar with Visustella, there are tiers of their plugins. The "core engine, tier 0(the tier number is shown in the file name)" must be placed above all the other visu plugins in the plugin manager. Then it comes the tier 1 plugins, and so on.

Please let me know after you get the plugins, so I can disable the link.

I'll just buy this plugin and try it, cuz it's cheaper right now. 😁

Hello, Hakuen, I'd like to know how the compatibility is with Visu right now, since there's no further info mentioned here, and I saw you said the free MZ version is not available anymore. 

Other than core plugins, I also use sideviewbattleui and visualguagesystyles. Currently I'd like to know if your plugin can change the font and font size of gauge labels and values, as well as damage popup. 

I found anotheo plugin servicing the same purpose as this plugin, but it's not very compatible with visu, so I'm quite interested in your.

Hello Casper, is it possible to add the function to pick up key for taking screenshots, at least some other key options? I'm using a smaller wireless keyboard and it doesn't have the pring screen key.

Wow, this character is beautifully made. Really like him, though I couldn't think where I should use him in my project yet. Will come back when I get an idea.

BTW, will you consider make an armored version? Some light leather armor, like a gauntlet or armor piece covering his chest maybe. Right now grandpa doesn't look like he is adventuring with the hero or wizard, but it looks great standing in a blacksmith, barn, or garage. 

Thank you for replying and subscribing. Looking forward to more features to be added. :D

Just bought this plugin. This is exactly what I'm looking for since I started MZ. It works fabulously like the examples showed. Really love it.

And I have few questions. First, is it possible to use JavaScript or a variable for actor's ID when using Actor Auro? So, I can control which actor gets the aura more easily. For example, using Actor Aura in a skill, I'd like to use $gameTemp.lastActionData(2) to return the actor ID, so no matter which character uses the skill, that character would get the aura.

Second, according to the tutorial, the number of the intensity can only be between 0~1. What if I'd like to have a bigger/wider aura? I tried to use 2, but it seems not to work.

Lastly, Is it possible to add some kind of filter or algorithm to the plugin, so we can have different style or shape of the aura? Maybe aura like water or lightning.

I think this plugin has a lot of potential and I'm going to add some auras to my action sequence. Already have some plans. :D Here is some video of the action sequence I've made. This plugin will make the even cooler.

(4) JiHang Jiang - YouTube

Thanks for making such a great plugin. You did a great job.






Hey Aqua, is case you don't go rpgmakerweb, I come here to post, too. ;)

No problem, I also think you might have some other things to do in your life, and I'm glad that everything is fine of you. :)

OK, if you said don't worry about it. Really thank you so much for the autotile table you've drew for me. It's a great piece of work. Thanks a lot.

Now, it's OK. I've bought it already. Thank you. Your drawings are always in great qualities.

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Hey, bro, where I can pay for it? Maybe you forgot to put the buy button?

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Hello,  Aqua. This is JiHang from RPG Maker Web Forum. Last year, you drew me an autotile table, and I haven't paid you yet. I've tried to send you message on the forum, but it seems you didn't come to the forum anymore. I would like to pay for the table, because you've put time and efforts into it and I'm really satisfied with it. :) Please tell me how much does the autotile table cost. 50$?

I see. Thank you!

What's updated?

Interesting. I've been thinking to make some QTE action sequences for a long time, just like FFVI, but I haven't learned how to do it yet. This probably can save me a lot time. I'll try this after finishing what I'm doing.

Good job!

(1 edit)

Could you also add the new colors for the "impact simple", too? Thank you!

Cool! Thank you so much!

Got it! Thank you so much.

Thanks a lot. I'm making new action sequence of it right now. :D

I've noticed that you've included 3 folders in the zip file. The "Effekseer" folder contains the same things as MZ folder. Is there any special usage of it?

By the way, will this pack receive some color variations? Maybe blue, white or red?

Thank you! Looking forward to it.

Hello, is it possible to make a MZ effekseer version?

Cool! Thank you guys!

Thanks for the reply!

I did some quick test. Yes, I think because this time the effect is in 3D. The rotation results are different from the last ver. For me, it's best to keep the old version for my already-created anim, and use the new ver to make new ones. Thanks guys. ;)

Nice update. I like it.

1. To everyone who owns this effect. In this update, the relative positions of the blade and impact effect are different, so the anim made of previous version might not look right with this version if rotation is changed. I suggest keep the previous version before you're sure your anims are ok.

2. To MGC, I'm happy the impact effect is separated, so I can use it for other slash attacks. Just an idea, have you thought to make some color variations for the impact to expand the usage of it? Like blue, green, or red. With those, we can easily create some elemental slashes.

Thank you! Now it's even better than before. :D

I've noticed you add "Put a negative or positive value here..." Is it possible to change it to something like "Negative X value moves the button to the left" for the convenience? For myself, I have a piece paper with this information on my table, because I have difficulty to memorize it. hahaha

The file is not updated yet?

Cool! Thanks so much. I like that you even put XY offset in it. This gives more flexibility for different UI.

Suggestion: it would be better if you can put some note in the section of XY offset, telling positive/negative value is for moving left/right/top/bottom. Different plugins or MZ elements take this different, so some note would be helpful.

Besides, I have some problems with the XY offset function. Now, by default, the text of the button is two rows (one row before). If I put some numbers to the offset, the text becomes one row.

Also, the X and Y seems to take different multipliers? I use Y = -1, and the button moved quite a lot. However, X=10 didn't move the button much.

Could you check this please? Thank you very much.

Greetings. Is it possible to move the "Reload Action Sequences" button to the other corners? When on top left corner, it blocks the FPS shown there by Visustella plugins.

I see. Thanks for replying. :)

Hello, is there a sample project or importer I can paste from?

I've put the files into my project and I can load the animation without any problem, but I don't get the flash and sound. Do you also make those, or it's just animation?

Cool! Another pack! Without saying any word, I've bought it already. Keep it coming, man. I'm always waiting for your new drawing.

BTW, gaja pack is missing here.

Before I buy this great piece, I have a question to ask. Do I get to have the map in my MZ, so I can do some editing and decorating, and save the map for later use?

I'm very bad at creating maps. This plugin looks much more powerful than MZ's dungeon generator, so I hope it can help me to generate better maps.

Man! Finally another pack. I've checked my purchase and it says I bought the Golems pack 329 days ago. Quite a while.

Really love your style. Waiting for your next creatoin.

hmm, seemd not to work in my case. I'm playing two animations during my action sequence. Now I just have to adjust the position of the anims. However after apply > OK > save > reload, my action sequence remains the same. Perhaps this plugin doesn't reload everything but only common events?

Oops, I forget I already bought this pack on Feb. 7, and I just pay for it again. Can I get a refund? Thanks. I'll buy your next pack anyway. ;)